City Beat
Gilroy City Council Changes
ith Mayor Don Gage’s retire-
ment at the end of the 2015
came a lot of changes to the Gilroy
City Council. In January, the
Council appointed Perry Woodward
as the new Mayor to serve the
remaining term which expires
November 2016. A few weeks
later the City Council conducted
interviews to fill the council vacancy
created when Woodward was
appointed Mayor. The Council
Mayor Perry Woodward
interviewed eight individuals each
of whom expressed their desire to
contribute to the future success of
Gilroy. After the interview process,
the Council appointed Daniel
Harney to fill the vacancy as the
newest Gilroy City Council member.
The Council then voted to appoint
Peter Leroe-Munoz as the Mayor
Pro Tempore. Congratulations to all
those involved in the changes. We
are looking forward to a productive
and exciting 2016!
Councilman Daniel Harney
Gilroy Firefighters, CERT
and Red Cross Partner to
Install Smoke Alarms
ilroy thanks the Gilroy Firefighters and members of the
Gilroy CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
who volunteerred on the morning of January 16 to assist the
Red Cross in installing smoke alarms at the Wagon Wheel
Mobile Home Park. Together they installed 111 smoke alarms.
Thank you for making our residents just a little bit safer!
City Gets a
New Website
he City of Gilroy just rolled out
a brand new website which not
only includes a brand new look, but
also provides easier access to calendars,
departments, and information. The city
hopes the community likes the new
look and finds the many new features
and added functionality beneficial.
Visit the new site at
In addition, residents may also want
to follow the city on Facebook (City
of Gilroy-Public Information Officer)
and on Twitter (@cityofgilroy and @