gmhTODAY 07 gmhToday Mar Apr 2016 | Page 76

President’s Message A By John Horner, President /CEO Morgan Hill lthough Morgan Hill is perhaps best known for its living agricultural heritage and outstanding quality of life, we are also home to an array of leading innovators moving their industries forward. Some examples include: Specialized (maker of the very first commercial mountain bike), Lin Engineering (global leader in the design and manufacture of precision stepper motors), Tencate (leading the world in carbon fiber technologies), biotechnology R&D innovator Aragen, world-renowned anaerobic bacteria experts Anaerobe Systems, cell phone infrastructure maker Anritsu America, and LIDAR developer Velodyne. We do not have space here to profile all of these companies and the dozens of other local industry leaders, so for this month we are giving you a taste of why Anritsu and Velodyne call Morgan Hill their business home. The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce is engaged in getting the word out locally, regionally, nationally and internationally about our city as a great place to locate and grow leading-edge busi- nesses. Morgan Hill business owners, managers and employees enjoy an outstanding quality of life, a deep and diverse talent base, an easy reverse commute for those living to the north and the avail- ability of high quality commercial land. If you and/ or others in your organization are interested to know more about the potential to grow your busi- ness in Morgan Hill, please contact the Chamber’s Economic Development Chairperson Ken Murray ( Ken is eager to help you grow your enterprise in Morgan Hill. 76 GILROY