Poppy Jasper Wall by Gordon
Huether located on north side of
parking garage on Third Street.*
The Tarantula by Gordon
Huether located on the south
side of parking garage on
Fourth Street.*
Waiting for the Train by
Marlene Amerian, 2007,
depicts Hiram Morgan Hill, his
wife, Diana and daughter Diane.
Commissioned by Morgan Hill
Community Foundation with the
Centennial Committee and City.
Funded by the Metropolitan
Transit Commission and the
Morgan Hill Development
Agency. Located at the train
station & Depot at Third Street.
* Funded by Creative
Placemaking grand through
the Successor Agency,
City of Morgan Hill.
nyone who has traveled Europe or Asia is impressed property. The current chair of the committee is Betty “Cassie”
by the amount of public art. Even many of the older Castleberry.
US cities have impressive displays of public art… the
Although not all of the beautiful artwork that adorns Morgan
Bull and Bear statues at the New York Stock Exchange, the Rocky Hill is presented here, this sampling may spark an interest in taking
statue in Philadelphia, the St. Louis Arch, and Mount Rushmore a ride to see and enjoy seeing these and the many others in person.
You may also enjoy additional photos by viewing the Library,
to name a few.
Morgan Hill, while not on such a grand scale, has made an
Cultural & Arts Commission’s online catalog of art projects in
inspiring commitment to public art. Public Art is under the Morgan Hill at mhpublicart.com. Although a little dated, the
direction of the Library, Cultural & Arts Commission of the catalog contains photos by local photographer, Susan Brazelton
City of Morgan Hill. This seven-member commission, in addition and contains many unusual sculptures by David Kimball
to its duties relative the Library, consults with private community Anderson, Don Jensen, Kelly “KC” Cash, James Kiburg, Jylian
groups supportive of arts programs, arranges city sponsored Gustlin, Paul Loughridge and others.
artistic and performance opportunities, stimulates community
There is a plan, as noted on their site, that the Library, Cultural
involvement in the arts and reviews and recommends works of & Arts Commission will be publishing an art catalogue on City’s
art to be acquired by the city and/or to be installed on public website to better promote the collection and create a “virtual tour.”