enforcement agencies, they are called upon to interact with our
homeless population.
Gilroy P.D. Sergeant Jason Smith talked with
about how local law enforcement assists with the homeless
population. As someone who has served on the Gilroy P.D.’s
homeless liaison officers’ task force, Jason has firsthand
knowledge of this issue.
“Our police department reports in regularly, at the City
Council’s request, in response to the City’s 15-point plan to
end homelessness. The plan includes both short and long-term
initiatives. In the short-term, the focus is on enforcing city codes
such as locking public restrooms from 10 pm until dawn, and
upholding zero tolerance for quality of life crimes against the
community related to panhandling, trespassing, narcotics, public
intoxication and vandalism.
Jason said it was important to have community stakehold-
ers on the same page to pursue long-term solutions. One of
their tasks is to work with the city’s public works department
and the Santa Clara Valley Water District to clean up creek-
side encampments, which create an environmental problem
particularly when unsanitary garbage ends up in the creeks.
“We post an area designated for cleanup three days to a week
in advance. We are empathetic to the people encamped in these
areas. They need a place to go, but creekside encampments are
illegal and unsafe. Our focus is on encouraging them to gather
their things and vacate the area, not on issuing citations. Last
year, we supported the water district on a series of cleanups,
removing 50 tons of garbage.” As far as community awareness, he suggested that “when
citizens see someone whose behavior is dangerous or erratic,
or who is urinating in public or panhandling on the street, for
example, they should call us immediately so we can address it.”
“We need to remove the stigma
associated with mental health
Erin O’Brian Gilroy Compassion Center. A year and a half later, I was
kind, courageous woman
took time out of her day
to share her journey from
struggle and homelessness
to restoration. It was an honor to
hear her story.
“I had a very bad marriage and then fell into substance
abuse. With little family support I ended up homeless and on
the streets for a year. Everything in my life came crashing
down at once. I didn’t want to ask for help but I did. I
got housing and went through a rehabilitation program.
I’ve been clean for ten years now. After moving to South
County, I enrolled at Gavilan and became a volunteer at
hired as the Center’s first paid employee, and I’m studying
for a degree in Collaborative Health Services at Cal State
Monterey. Here’s what I know. You can’t lump the homeless
When asked about the makeup of the local homeless
population, Jason described it as a mixed bag. “It’s people young
and old. Men and women. Employed and jobless. We develop
relationships with the homeless on an individual basis and
provide them with resource pamphlets as part of our outreach.
If a homeless person presents a danger to himself or others or
is gravely disabled we can place a mental health hold on him.
He would then be transported by ambulance to a county mental
health facility, or if he has medical insurance it might be another
facility, so he can receive assistance.”
“Occasionally we encounter runaway youths who have no
place to go, but it’s pretty rare. We can place them in protective
custody and contact social services to work out a placement.
What’s more common is to find youth who are on the streets
because they have experienced abuse at home.”
“We also advocate to the county to fund full-time case
management professionals to work with the homeless population,
and we reach out to county offices, faith-based organizations and
non-profits, coordinating with them to help the homeless get the
help they need. We meet once a month to discuss individuals in
need of specific services and housing.”
Dee’s Story
population into one category. Many are students, others have
severe disabilities. The lack of affordable housing is putting
people on the streets and two-thirds develop mental health
and substance abuse challenges as a result of living on the
streets. Our community needs to rise above the ‘us versus
them’ mindset. When you get to know people in the home-
less community you see the humanity and you can’t hold
onto preconceived notions anymore. Everyone can be part of
the solution. It can start by supporting the agencies that are
doing good work.”
Daleen Pearse, Program Director
Gilroy Compassion Center
Collaborative Health Services Major, CAL State Monterey