Rotary of Morgan Hill
Nineteen College Scholarships Awarded
Morgan Hill honored the Morgan
Hill graduating high school seniors
who were selected to receive college
scholarships. Within this group, there’s
a William Staples music scholarship
for $1,000 and a Ralph and Rose
Fitzsimmons Ag scholarship of $2,000.
The students were chosen from
an outstanding pool of applicants.
Savvy, dedicated and passionate about
their futures these students had a
grade point average of 3.8. They
were eventually chosen after being
interviewed by a group of Rotarians.
The Rotary Club of Morgan Hill is
honored to announce these nineteen
students as recipients of this year’s
college scholars
Award winners: Gabrielle Baniqued, The William Stables Music Award, Moriah Silva, The Fitzsimmons
Agriculture Award, Anna Anaya, Arthur Rodriquez, Brianna Havens, Dino Levic, Dora Jimenez, Erica
Kelley, Janine Bautista, Josephine Ngo, Kaden Foster, Karly Rebozzi, Kiely Anderson, Madison Bleeg,
Madison Doutt, Megan Yabumoto, Shelby McDonald, Sylviann Nguyen and Taylor Dinh
Gavilan College
Dr. Kathleen Rose Named President / Superintendent
AT THEIR MEETING IN JUNE , the Board of Trustees of Gavilan
Joint Community College District named Dr. Kathleen Rose as
the next President / Superintendent of Gavilan College.
Board President Laura Perry said: “It is an honor to announce
that the Board has unanimously selected Dr. Kathleen Rose as
President / Superindendent of Gavilan College. The Board looks
forward to working with Dr. Rose on our shared vision, which
includes our new campuses in Coyote Valley and Hollister.”
In January, 2016, the Board of Trustees initiated a nationwide
search for a new president, to replace Dr. Steven M. Kinsella,
who had announced his retirement. A professional consultant was
enlisted to lead the process. A screening committee composed
of board members, administrators, staff, faculty, students, and
community members selected three finalists. The Board of
Trustees then interviewed the three finalists, recommending
Dr. Kathleen Rose.
Dr. Kathleen Rose has been serving the California Community
College system since 2002, with the past seven years as the
Executive Vice President and Chief Instruction Officer at Gavilan
College. Prior to coming to Gavilan Dr. Rose was the Vice
President of Instruction and the Dean of Fine Arts, Language
Arts and Social Sciences at Hartnell College in Salinas. Before
returning to service with the community colleges, Dr. Rose was the
Associate Dean and Campus Director at Chapman University for
twenty years, where she administered undergraduate and graduate
programs in Arizona and California
at military and community
locations. In addition, Dr. Rose has
taught as a part time faculty member
for the past thirty years at the
under- graduate and graduate level
in psychology and organizational
leadership at a number of colleges
and universities.
Dr. Rose has a BA in English and
Elementary Education from SUNY
Geneseo, a M.Ed in Counseling
and Guidance from the University
of Arizona and an Ed.D. with a
major in Educational Leadership
and a minor in Higher Education from the University of Arizona.
Dr. Rose also has a National Counselor Certification and has
worked as an agency counselor and as a private therapist. She has
spoken at national conferences on topics in higher education,
particularly leadership development for women and has served on
a number of doctoral dissertation committees.
Dr. Rose is originally from Canandaigua, New York and moved
to California in 1999. She has two adult children who are married
and live in Salinas and Sacramento. She is a proud graduate of
Leadership Gilroy, class of 2011 and is active in Gilroy Rotary.