two-day Fun-Fest
selected on the basis of their outstanding community service.
Mushroom Mardi Gras congratulates the following students
on their scholarship.
Recipients from Live Oak High School include Marla Altamirano, Kiele
Anderson, Ana Arias, Amber Bearden, Genevieve Black, Megan Carrillo,
Randall Coaquira, Samantha Coley, Frances Giba, Ivan Gonzalez, Amy
Gunther, Elsa Jimenez, Andrew Kim, Irene Kuang, Julia Leal, Shang-Chi
Andrew Liu, Emerson Neet, Jocelyn Orta, Samantha Sadoff, Lifen Shi,
Anna Snyder, Ida Tan, Tiffany Vu and Andrew Welch.
Recipients from Sobrato High School include Annalicia Anaya, Leslie
Aparicio, Zuha Aslam, Adrianna Baldwin, Madison Bleeg, Christine
Chau, Jessica Crane, Yasmine Daneshvar, Taylor Dinh, Simar Dhillon,
Kaden Foster, Brianna Havens, Irys Herrera, Jahne Hill, Natalie Kuwatani,
Josephine Ngo, Syviann Nguyen, Karly, Rebozzi, Arthur Rodriguez,
Janelle Saucedo, Moriah Silva, Keana Skurla, Kayla Torres, Dennis Vu, and
Megan Yabumoto.
And from Central High School, Araceli Hernandez, Jerry Juarez and
Christian Ramirez.
Family, relatives and friends, and the general public came to meet
these outstanding students at the Community Center Amphitheater Stage
on May 29th. Many of these star students toured the festival as Goodwill
Ambassadors throughout the two days.
For more information on the scholarship program or any of these
services, please contact the Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras office at
(408) 778-1786.
2016 Scholarship Winners