t’s hard to believe that school has already started. Where did the summer
go? I’m sure that was the thought of our two local school districts as they
prepped for the 2016-17 school year. Some of their efforts are noted in our
update on schools. (See pages 24-29)
We had so much fun following Kyle Perez-Robinson, this year’s Gilroy Garlic
Festival Queen as she and her court enjoyed their first day at the festival. I don’t
think I’ve ever experienced such a barrage of photo seekers. I would imagine all
the girls had some pretty tired facial muscles from the “smile for the camera”
requests. I particularly enjoyed meeting Kyle; what an amazing young woman.
(See pages 40-43).
While on the topic of fun, I want to thank Janet and Mike Thompson for
joining us for dinner and helping us put together our first “Dining Out With
Friends” article. And I also want to thank Old City Hall Restaurant for the lovely
dinner; they have really taken it up a notch of late. We hope you enjoy our din-
ing around and perhaps find a new restaurant to try. We plan to take friends to
a restaurant they are not familiar with and report back to you on what we liked
about the cuisine, service and atmosphere. (See first article pages 90-91)
Running out of space, so just one last note. You DO NOT WANT TO MISS THE
LUMINATION at Gilroy Gardens. Larry captured a tiny bit of it. (See pages 12-13)
It truly is amazing.
A Festival Community note:
Over the years the Garlic Festival has had many firsts. But this year, it has two
“lasts.” The SakaBozzo twins are retiring their Cook-Off stage antics and
Mr. Garlic, Gerry Foisy, will retire his garlic bulb outfit and move out of the area.
Gerry and wife, Jeanne, began their affable journey through the Garlic
Festival twenty-nine years ago! Gerry is now 73, and his wife, Jeanne thought
it was time to pass the bulb to someone younger…Gerry’s son, Carl. The ever
approachable and optimistic Gerry sums it up, “It’s been a stinking good time.”
Sam Bozzo and Gene Sakahara have been plying their SakaBozzo schtick
on the Festival grounds for twenty-five years. The duo has combined comedy,
cooking, garlic, families and fun since 1993. Fittingly, their last performance on
Friday of the Festival had a generational challenge, as the two cooked with their
respective grandsons, Dominic (8) with papa Sam, and Bode (10) and Kaiden (9)
with papa Gene. The pair plan to stay involved with the Festival but not on the
Cook Off stage every year. However, an encore performance is planned for the
40 th celebration in 2018. They will be missed!