Have a Merry Christmas with “ Simmitri ”!
Be GREEN without being a GRINCH this
Holiday Season
Pamela Garcia , Founder , Simmitri .
Simmitri is a Silicon Valley Corporation , birthed in the Gilroy / Morgan Hill area , in 1995 , that helps it ’ s residential and commercial clientele harness Solar Energy Technology in all its forms today , and into the future . 408.779.3333 simmitri . com
In the past , the house with the most decorative holiday lights used to be considered the “ best .” Well , times have changed ! The cost of electricity goes way beyond the utility bill . Electricity drains natural resources .
Here are some positive ways to think Green this season :
Reduce the Size of Outdoor Lighting Displays A smaller presentation of lights can still be attractive , and more appropriate in the ‘ season of giving ’. Saving electricity is also a way of giving , since conserving resources benefits everyone .
Use LED Lights for house and Christmas tree lighting – LED holiday lights use up to 95 % less energy than larger , traditional holiday bulbs and last up to 100,000 hours when used indoors . LED holiday lights use . 04 watts per bulb , 10 times less than mini bulbs and 100 times less than traditional holiday bulbs . Over a 30-day period , lighting 500 traditional holiday lights will cost you about $ 18 while the same number of LED lights costs only $. 19 . As an added bonus , if one of the LED lights burns out the rest of the strand will stay lit .
Save Energy with Outdoor Mini-lights A 100-light string uses only 40 watts . If you ’ re buying a new set of lights , compare based on equal ‘ lighted lengths ’. Some higher priced brands have 100 mini-lights for only 8 ½ feet of length , while some 100 mini-light strings cover up to 40 feet in length . For the most efficient outdoor holiday lighting , consider the new solar LED strings now available .
So , if you want to go green , REALLY make a difference , and save the MOST money for the upcoming holiday season and beyond — go solar !
Here are some powerful reasons to consider Solar this year :
• Solar provides clean , renewable energy from the sun in an unlimited manner , and always will .
• Solar helps customers lower their electricity bill right away , while providing continuing cost savings that increase exponentially over time .
• Solar allows customers independence from the control of the “ Grinch like ” practices of utility companies , including : rates that increase over time , changing “ time of use ” criteria leading to higher costs , “ customernegative ” changes to net-metering rules and utility payments , customers having to pay for maintenance of an antiquated grid structure .
• Solar allows customers to “ lock in ” their rate of pay for electricity , or eliminate it all together . Solar provides , in many instances , free energy for life !
Multiple purchase and finance options make solar available and attractive to almost anyone who wants it , for ZERO , or very little , out-ofpocket costs !
In addition , the solar Investment Tax Credit ( ITC ), that provides customers a federal tax credit of 30 percent of the cost of the solar system is still available . By taking advantage of the ITC sooner rather than later , customers can start saving significant dollars on their monthly energy bill right away .
Here are two very important questions in order to determine who might be best suited to manage your project :
What is the efficiency of the solar panels being used ? Hardly anyone is asking this important question , yet the whole arena of panel efficiency is quickly becoming a top priority to most manufacturers and installers . Lower-cost , less efficient commodity panels might seem like a great choice , but the fact is , a higher efficiency panel produces more energy , at a much lower cost per unit of production .
What do I need to know about the company installing these highly efficient panels ? A credible company will always design a custom solar system based on the home ’ s current electric bills , roof size , shading constraints , and power needs — only after analyzing consumption data to determine why the electric bill is high in the first place . After simple , low costs energy reduction measures are implemented , an appropriately sized solar system can then be designed with higher efficiency and maximum cost savings realized . Look for a company that is fully engaged in this more complete , whole-home approach to solar and energy-efficiency , combined .
Contact us today to learn more about the ways you can start saving money this holiday season and for years to come !
Have a Merry Christmas with “ Simmitri ”!