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Winter Intersession ( January 3-26)
Spring Semester ( January 30 - May 26)
Th is winter Gavilan College is planning to off er the
largest Winter Intersession program ever. Students will
have choices of many subjects and both online and
in-person formats.
“We really want to give our students a chance
to get ahead, and give them options,” according to
Gavilan College President Dr. Kathleen Rose. “Winter
Intersession is a great way to add a class without over-
loading your schedule.”
Winter Intersession courses can be a good alternative
for Gavilan College students who want to get a jump on
the Spring semester. They are also a great fit for university
students, home on break, who want to get a requirement
out of the way at the lower community college cost
(Gavilan College charges only $46 per unit.) Most of the
classes to be offered will be transferrable to University of
California and California State University schools.
Winter 2017 classes will include:
Economics 1
Powerpoint (CSIS/CMUN 129)
Windows (CSIS 124)
Workplace Skills (BOT/CSIS/GUID/COS
Anthropology 1
History 1 or 2
Political Science 1
Sociology 1A
Art 1B
Art 6
Th eater 7
Communications 1A
Geography 1
Humanities 4
Registration for Winter Intersession and Spring semester
will start in late November. Applications can be
submitted at any time online at
Ahmed in
the student
office with
the new sign
created by
Gavilan art
Meet ASGC President
Priscilla Ahmed
by Jan Janes
ast year Priscilla Ahmed accepted the Associated
Students of Gavilan College (ASGC) vice president of
clubs position after a semester in student government.
When the previous president graduated in the fall of 2014,
she decided to run for the vacated offi ce. She is now in her
second term as leader of the student organization.
Responding to student questions during her campaign,
Ahmed said, “I let them know I am very student-oriented. I
am knowledgeable about the programs and services Gavilan
has to offer, and I am determined to share.”
ASGC offers members many services, including textbook
scholarships, annual scholarships, free admission to Gavilan
athletic events, free scantrons and greenbooks and discounts
at selected area businesses. A complete description of ASGC
is available on their new web page.
Ahmed, who graduated in May 2016 with an AA-T
degree in Administration of Justice, is starting her third
academic year at Gavilan while working on a second degree.
“Since getting involved in student government and
participating more in campus activities and services, I
decided I would love to work at Gavilan!” she said. She
is now pursuing an AA-T degree in communications,
with plans to transfer to UC Santa Cruz or San José
State University. “My career goal is to return to Gavilan
as an instructor or an administrator after completing my
higher education.”
“What motivates me and drives me are my three
beautiful children: Kaliyah, 7, Andrea, 5, and Jesse, 3,” said
Ahmed. “I love talking to them about how important school
is.” And the talk becomes the walk, inspiring her children.
“My seven-year-old already talks about how she will go to
college some day, just like her mommy.”