What ’ s Playing This Holiday Season
The holidays are approaching and that means we are all starting to plan gatherings with friends and family . With the hectic schedules that the holidays bring we sometimes forget to make plans for ourselves . Fun nights out for example . Going out to see a play during the holidays can make for an enjoyable break from our all busy lives . Here is a list of theater events coming up during the next two months that can help you relieve holiday stress and add some fun to your holiday schedule .
Matthew Russell Hendrickson has been involved with community theater for over 35 years . He is currently a designer ’ s assistant for Brotin Design , a founding member of a local film production company , Oscar Dante Motion , and is still heavily involved with local theater .
Limelight Actors Theater –
Novemeber 4th through November 20th Limelight celebrating the season with a production of “ Exit Laughing .” When the biggest highlight in your life for the past 30 years has been your weekly bridge night out with the “ girls ,” what do you do when one of your foursome inconveniently dies ? If you ’ re Connie , Leona and Millie , three southern ladies from Birmingham , you do the most daring thing you ’ ve ever done . You “ borrow ” the ashes from the funeral home for one last card game , and the wildest , most exciting night of your lives involves a police raid , and a whole new way of looking at all the fun you can have when you ’ re truly living . limelightactorstheater . com
South Valley Civic Theater –
November 18th through December 10th The local Morgan Hill theater company , SVCT , is putting on a production of “ 1940 ’ s Radio Hour .” A different time is evoked in this marvelously show based on the original broadcast of The Mutual Manhattan Variety Cavalcade from the Hotel Astor ’ s Algonquin Room on December 21 , 1942 . The spirit of a bygone era , when the world was at war and pop music meant “ Strike Up the Band ” and “ Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy ” is accurately captured as a harassed producer copes with a drunk lead singer , the delivery boy who wants a chance in front of the mike , the second banana who dreams of singing a ballad , and the trumpet-playing sound effects man who chooses a fighter plane over Glenn Miller . svct . org
Live Oak High School –
December 15th through December 23rd The Live Oak Drama Guild is putting on a production of the classic Christmas story “ A Christmas Carol .” From Scrooge and Tiny Tim to Bob Cratchit and Mrs . Fezziwig , Barlow ’ s tale uses nothing more than some simple props , fresh physicality , and the power of imagination to convey this timeless story of redemption . Witness Ebenezer Scrooge ’ s transformation from a stingy miser to a man who generously celebrates the spirit of the season all year long , in this highly theatrical adaptation . lohsdrama . com
Pintello Comedy Theater –
New Year ’ s Eve December 31st For their fifth year in a row , Pintello Comedy Theater will hold its popular New Year ’ s Eve Bash . This year they features a production of “ Romantic Fools ,” a comic vaudeville style revue of 12 two-character sketches examining love , lust , dating and romance . Borrowing from Monty Python , Saturday Night Live , Jules Feiffer , the Marx Brothers , and classic vaudeville comedy , these sketches vary widely in style , but they all celebrate the inherent farce of male-female relationships . When it comes to dating , sex , love and marriage , who hasn ’ t made a fool of themselves ? The performance will be followed by a New Year ’ s Eve party and countdown . pintellocomedy . com