County Update
With Santa Clara County
Supervisor Mike Wasserman
Supervisor Mike Wasserman was elected to the Santa Clara
County Board of Supervisors in November 2010, and re-elected in
2014. He represents District 1, which includes Gilroy, San Martin,
Morgan Hill, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno and portions of San Jose.
ountains provide a vivid
reminder of how vulnerable we
are to wildfi res. The prospect
of a wildfi re can be terrifying for both
rural and urban South County residents.
According to Cal Fire, 95% of all
wildfi res are caused by humans, which
makes prevention and education key.
The Santa Clara County Fire Safe
Council (SCFSC) is a non-profit founded
in 2001. It is funded by federal grants,
local funding from the County, cities, fire
agencies, and community partners, to
address wildfire risks and protection for
communities in Santa Clara County.
The Fire Safe Council’s programs
protect thousands of residents and
homes and bring together individuals,
public and private agencies and
companies that share a common, vested
interest in preventing and reducing
losses from wildfires.
SCFSC programs and projects focus
on protecting the many communi-
ties at risk for wildfire in Santa Clara
County, including Morgan Hill, San
Martin and Gilroy. Homes, schools,
businesses and important infrastructure
such as power transmission lines,
communication facilities, creeks and
reservoirs are all present in these
areas. These communities are at risk
of wildfires because of the interaction
of topography, drought, tree mortality,
and flammable vegetation such as
chaparral and grasslands.
In response to the threat of wild-
fires, we are constantly working to
create a “Fire Safe” Santa Clara County
— protecting lives, homes and the
environment through the reduction
of built-up hazardous fuels and the
promotion of informed communities
with respect to defensible space,
general fire safety, and fire’s impacts on
our environment.
I invite you to learn more about the
Fire Safe Council at