Normally , there are many long wooden boards bracing a guitar on the inside , so it doesn ’ t cave in from the pressure of the strings – about 180 pounds – and around the center hole , which creates a severe weak spot . The Boulder Creek design uses two lengthwise , aluminum suspended braces , allowing the wood to move and vibrate , with only three regular braces . The suspension system allows the sound to continue instead of stopping , and musicians can feel it through their bodies .
“ The sound goes on and on ,” Juli said . That ’ s why they ’ re able to list more than 100 artists — including Sarah McLachlan , Air Supply , Pat Benatar , Fleetwood Mac , and Rascal Flatts — who use Boulder Creek instruments .
Their signature look is the instruments without a center hole , with a small side hole for musicians to hear the sound . However , they also offer their instruments with or without the traditional center hole . “ Some people were uncomfortable with a solid front ,” Jeff explains . “ So , when we do sell the standard looking instruments , the center hole was really added for aesthetics — for placebo .”
While Jeff would love to make all Boulder Creek ’ s products in the United States , he ’ s committed to making a quality product for musicians who can ’ t afford to spend a fortune on their instruments . When Jeff was young , a friend who owned a guitar shop in Gilroy told Jeff to invest in his musical gift , but he couldn ’ t afford a guitar with a good sound at the time . It took him years to save the money . With this new design , Boulder Creek Guitars has created a $ 3000 sound for $ 800 . Customers can still opt to purchase custom instruments made in the USA for a greater investment . In fact , the same friend who sold Jeff that first good guitar is custommaking instruments for Boulder Creek Guitars in Gilroy .
Jeff ’ s roots to the community and music travel back even further than his first guitar . He grew up in Morgan Hill on a ranch riding horses , and started playing the drums at two years old , and continued in marching and jazz bands through grade school and high school . He started performing on the drums in local nightclub bands at 16 . Jeff started playing guitar for fun at age nine , with his older brother . “ Music has been my whole life ,” he said .
Jeff later moved to Gilroy 1982 . Then , in 1989 , Jeff left the South Valley area for work , took his guitar , and became serious about writing songs . But he returned to the area in 1994 and formed an acoustic duo — The Acoustic Preservation Society — playing at the Garlic Festival , Reno , weddings , and throughout the Bay Area . Five years later , in 1999 , he went solo and became one of the first local musicians to play at local wineries such as Clos LaChance .
Like Jeff , Juli said , “ I always looked to music for everything .” She grew up in Indiana where she lived to sing in choirs in junior high and high school , and played clarinet in the band . Then , she went to college , eventually moved to California for her career , and continued with various instrument lessons , always keeping her finger in music .
Juli moved to Gilroy in 1989 . Five years later she met Jeff at the South Valley Community Church in Gilroy , where she was singing and he was playing drums . When she met Jeff , he said , “ You have such a passion for this !” and suggested she become a backup singer at the church .
One day , he brought his guitar over to her house , and they sang for three hours . She joined in naturally with harmony because ever since she was little , she said , “ That ’ s just what my ear heard .”
That day , Jeff told Juli : “ I have a big gig on Wednesday , why don ’ t you sing with me ?” Over loud protests , he talked her into it . Two years later they were married , and they ’ ve been singing together for ten years .
Jeff and Juli perform at local restaurants , festivals , wineries , car shows , weddings ,
Cordevalle , San Jose , and as far away as Los Angeles . To fulfill a man ’ s dying wish , they once played at a friend of Jim and Ingrid Croce ’ s celebration of life . Jeff said , “ This was one of my greatest honors because [ Croce was ] my greatest influence , if I had to pick one .”
Juli explained , “ All our gigs have come by word of mouth . We do two or three a week .” They squeeze in gigs between working at the office and spending time with their five kids and five grandkids .
“ We do about 170 performances a year .” Jeff laughed , adding , “ Sometimes we like to say , ‘ If you pay we play .’ People ask , ‘ How do you find the time do play as much as you do ?’ But it ’ s who we are .”
Because Jeff and Juli are performers themselves , they have a unique , easygoing relationship with the artists who are their customers . “ One of the unique things about Boulder Creek guitars is that we have the artists ’ roster that is the envy of other guitar companies . But I don ’ t seek them ,” he explained . “ I don ’ t call their managers . It ’ s easy to develop a relationship with us because we ’ re not star-struck ; we ’ re not a nuisance .”
Jeff has played onstage with Larry Gatlin , and Dave Jenkins — the lead singer for Pablo Cruise . Once Jeff and Juli establish that relationship , they meet the artists for sound check and dinner and talk about family and kids .
“ It ’ s all about relationship ,” Jeff said . From their employees and their gigs to their ever-expanding list of artist customers , they view them all as one big family .