Photos Courtesy of Project Roadmap and Morgan Hill Unified School District
to succeed in their chosen field . People like Teresa Guerrero-Daley , a Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge , who shared her story of studying and working her way through college and law school , becoming a judge , and giving back to her community . She told the kids how , long ago , she was advised to drop her surname , Guerrero , to have more appeal in the job market — advice she chose not to take . She said when she walks into her courtroom today and people stand as her name is announced , she is proud of who she is and the path she chose . Students and their parents were moved by the judge ’ s story .”
Along with monthly meetings , Project Roadmap hosts its annual student-led event , the “ No Excuses ” Youth Conference . A two-week “ Summer School for Parents ” program helps parents connect with school teachers and staff . They discover that it ’ s okay to ask questions and voice their concerns .
“ We have families living in poverty in our district ,” Mario said . “ These kids have grown up seeing their parents working in the fields , doing piece work , putting in long hours at multiple low-wage jobs , sacrificing to keep them in school . These kids are torn . They want to go to college but sometimes they feel selfish , thinking they should get a job right after high school and contribute to the family income . We want parents to know that college is not just a luxury for the well-to-do .
“ With this in mind , I invited a local friend , Humberto Rincon , to lead one of our workshops . He grew up poor , but did well in high school and was fortunate enough to win a scholarship to UC Davis . After that he earned a master ’ s degree from Stanford . During high school he ’ d been working in a local retail store . His boss offered him a job as store manager after graduation . His dad thought he should take the job , a “ sure thing ” that paid a salary , rather than spending four years in college with no guarantee of a job after . He loved his father , but he chose college and went on to work as an engineer at IBM . When his own teenager started talking about college , he was ready to support her dreams , without hesitation . Our kids really connected with Humberto ’ s story and his message for them .”
On average , Project Roadmap has served about 400 students and parents per year . The project is aligned with school district and Local Control and Accountability Plan ( LCAP ) goals through the supportive partnership of Superintendent Steve Betando ; Assistant Superintendent Ramon Zavala , who convenes Project Roadmap meetings ; and Heather Nursement , the district ’ s new Director of College and Career Pathways .
Community partners including Morgan Hill Community Foundation , Morgan Hill Kiwanis Club , and the Edward Boss Prado Foundation have also lent their support .
“ We ’ re committed to this program because we ’ ve seen it work ,” Mario said . “ When it works and our students are successful , it benefits their families and the entire community . The generous support we receive from our community partners is essential as Project Roadmap serves new student families each year .”
Santa Clara County Supervisor Mike Wasserman , MHUSD School Board Member Ron Woolf , MHUSD Superintendent Steve Betando and County Office of Education Trustee Claudi Rossi .
Jennifer Gonzalez ,
Project Roadmap Alumna
Jenn Gonzalez is studying hard at Santa Clara University where she is pursuing a triple major in Political Science , Ethnic Studies , and Women and Gender Studies . After that she plans to go to law school . Project Roadmap played a big role in her secondary school experience . While a student at Britton Middle School , she worked with Science Teacher George Flores and participated in Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán ( MEChA ), a national student organization , and on the English Language Advisory Committee ( ELAC ). She got involved with Project Roadmap during her Sophomore year at Ann Sobrato High School .
“ I realized the great need there was for marginalized communities to receive resources to guide them towards higher education . I , as a child of immigrants from Mexico , felt different from my peers whose parents volunteered in the classroom and were very present on campus . My parents have always believed in education and in me . Project Roadmap allowed them to understand the steps I had to follow to reach my goals and how they could support me as parents . They saw firsthand the impact of helping others . For me and my parents , Project Roadmap was like being part of a larger family that values education and community service . I learned that education is the most powerful tool we possess and it ’ s something no one can take from us . It gave me a foundation of empowerment . I know that I have individuals cheering for me , believing in my ability to succeed . I understand what my education means to my family and my community . We are breaking through old barriers and fulfilling an American Dream .”