dith Ramirez is now in her sixth
year as Economic Development
Manager for the City of Morgan
Hill. Respected as a passionate advocate
for the City, she leads a variety of efforts
from business development to downtown
revitalization. Ramirez has also been active
in Joint Venture Silicon Valley, including a
term as chair of the organization’s Silicon
Valley Economic Development Alliance, as
well as the Silicon Valley Manufacturing
Roundtable and the International Council
of Shopping Centers. She also engages
with organizations: Commercial Real
Estate Women (CREW), Urban Land
Institute (ULI) and San Francisco Bay Area
Planning and Urban Research (SPUR).
Previously, Ramirez served for eleven
years as Senior Development Officer with
the San Jose Redevelopment Agency,
where she was involved in the Agency’s
downtown management, housing and
real estate, project management and
industrial development divisions. Previously
she was a community relations manager
and legislative assistant for City of San
Jose Vice Mayor Frank Fiscalini. Ramirez
earned a Bachelor’s degree in Political
Science and a Master’s degree in Public
Administration from San José State
University. Ramirez and her husband are
raising two children, and they have an
adult son.
“We’re excited to bring forward the
Economic Development Blueprint to City
Council this year. After extensive community
outreach and feedback it offers a strategy
for continued prosperity and economic
vitality in Morgan Hill. Two promising new
development prospects are on the horizon
for the City: An 83-unit market rate apart-
ment complex at the Sunsweet property on
3rd Street; and a 56-unit townhome proj-
ect at the Hale Lumber site that will also
realign Depot and Church Streets, easing
traffic flow. These projects will be transfor-
mative, offering residential living spaces to
support existing and new businesses in our
downtown neighborhood.”