rina Hineser is a potent voice in San Martin. Currently, she is President of the San Martin Neighborhood
Alliance (SMNA), which aims to protect San Martin’s rural atmosphere, support positive controlled growth,
promote neighborhood identity and vitality, and keep members informed so they can participate in finding
solutions to neighborhood concerns and have an influential voice in the local governing body. The Alliance monitors
commercial and industrial growth and encourages new development to be local serving. In this role Hineser works
to bridge the gap between county and community. SMNA holds quarterly community meetings with guest speakers
addressing relevant topics such as Human Trafficking, Animal Control and Code Enforcement. In 2015, Hineser was
appointed to the San Martin Planning Advisory Committee (SMPAC), which was formed by the Santa Clara County
Board of Supervisors in 1981. SMPAC advises the County on land-use applications within the San Martin Planning
Area and provides a forum for issues of importance to the community. Hineser holds a B.S. degree from Cal Poly
San Luis Obispo. She and her family are long-time residents of San Martin.
“San Martin’s rural character and agrarian community need better land-use protections in the face of increased
development pressure. My focus for 2017 is on maintaining the rural integrity of our community. I look forward to the
continued progress of the San Martin Neighborhood Alliance, and a redefined role for the San Martin Planning Advisory
Committee. San Martin residents deserve to retain their rural lifestyle amid the urbanizing communities that surround us.”