City Beat
Electricity Service is
About to Get a Lot Greener!
ust a year ago, in March 2016, the City of Morgan Hill in
partnership with twelve Santa Clara County communities
came together to form Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE),
a new Community Choice Energy agency. SVCE is a non-profit,
public agency formed to source clean, competitively-priced
electricity on behalf of residential and com mercial customers
beginning in April 2017. Participating communities include
Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los
Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Saratoga,
Sunnyvale and the County of Santa Clara. SVCE is governed
by a Board of Directors made up of elected officials from each
participating jurisdiction
In addition, the City of Morgan Hill, along with the cities of
Campbell, Cupertino, Mountain View, Saratoga and Sunnyvale,
has taken its commitment to protecting our climate even further
by voting to enroll its municipal electricity accounts in Silicon
Valley Clean Energy’s optional GreenPrime program. Starting in
April, the electricity in Morgan Hill to run city-owned facilities,
parks, and streetlights, will come from 100 percent renewable
sources like wind and solar.
“By choosing to go with GreenPrime 100 percent renewable
energy, we are going to be cutting a significant amount of
Morgan Hill’s carbon emissions, furthering our commitment to
our environment and future generations in the South County,”
said Morgan Hill Mayor and SVCE Board Member, Steve Tate.
With the program nearing launch, Morgan Hill customers
will soon have new choices in their electricity sources. SVCE
will offer customers two clean, green, power supply mixes.
Between April and October 2017, customers within SVCE’s
service area will be automatically enrolled by neighborhood
in SVCE’s GreenStart electric generation service, which comes
from 50% renewable and 100% carbon-free energy sources.
GreenStart will provide electricity at a cost of about 1% lower
than PG&E generation rates. By comparison, PG&E’s current
electric service is approximately 30% renewable and 60%
SVCE also provides a 100% renewable (and 100%
carbon-free) option called GreenPrime, which is the upgrade
that Morgan Hill and five other cities have chosen for their
municipal accounts. GreenPrime service is estimated to cost
a premium of $0.007 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) over PG&E’s
current service. An average residential customer account using
approximately 460 kWh per month would pay approximately
$3.22 more than PG&E by electing to upgrade to GreenPrime.
Both GreenStart and GreenPrime offer 100% carbon-free
electricity generated from wind, water and solar. Customers
who choose to pay a small premium can upgrade to GreenPrime
to get 100% renewable power.
To learn more about Silicon Valley Clean Energy, visit