water-saving household appliances
and fixtures. Shifting to drought-
tolerant landscaping and water-efficient
irrigation systems including those with
weather-based controllers. Collecting
rainwater and reusing graywater in
outdoor gardens.
Morgan Hill has been working with
other cities, Santa Clara County, the
water district, and other partners on
a model new development ordinance
that, if implemented, will encourage
use of: hot water recirculation systems,
pool covers, use of non-potable water
for non-potable applications such as
toilet flushing and irrigation, landscape
meters, and other water-conserving
Existing city ordinances call for water
conservation by adhering to seasonal
landscape watering schedules, replacing
inefficient fixtures and appliances,
reducing system leakage and runoff, and
eliminating water-wasting practices such
as hosing down sidewalks.
It’s unrealistic for us to expect water
system improvements without water
rate increases. Our water flows from
the tap at less than half a cent per gal-
lon. Compare that with $4 or $5 for a
gallon of milk or $50 for the equivalent
amount of an average California wine.
In Morgan Hill, the average single-
family monthly utility bill (water and
wastewater services) will increase by
approximately $31.00 over the five-year
period from 2016 to 2020. In Gilroy,
the increase will be approximately $15
over the five-year period from 2015
to 2019.
Both cities have been hosting
community workshops, surveys, and
public hearings to make the water man-
agement planning process transparent
and encourage residents to inform
themselves and make their voices heard.
We are fortunate to have scientists,
engineers, policymakers, environmental-
ists, and others working to improve our
water management and infrastructure
so that we will have a reliable supply
of safe, clean water in the years ahead.
They need our continued commitment
to make conservation a way of life.
Your home
Tertiary treated recycled water
treatment plant
Secondary treated recycled water
Recycled water
Enhanced recycled water
Future possibilities
Future possibilities
Purified Water
Drinking water
treatment plant
Your home
Your home
Source: Santa Clara Valley Water District
TODAY would like to acknowledge Morgan Hill City Manager Steve
Rymer, Morgan Hill Environmental Programs Manager Anthony Eulo, Gilroy City
Administrator Gabriel Gonzalez, Lori Pottinger at the Public Policy Institute of
California, Santa Clara Valley Water District Board Chair and District 1 Director
John Varela, and Santa Clara Valley Water District Spokesperson Marty Grimes
for providing information for this article.
Online Resources
State of California Department of Water Resources • water.ca.gov
State Water Resources Control Board • swrcb.ca.gov
City of Gilroy • ci.gilroy.ca.us
City of Morgan Hill • morgan-hill.ca.gov
Santa Clara Valley Water District • valleywater.org