are now finding things aren ’ t what they appeared to be originally . Alignments that existed for so many years , will be gone . This is going to require a multi-year construction effort , and business owners are concerned about being able to weather the impact of that . I think some are feeling buyers ’ remorse . The Council has to decide .“
Mayors Advocate at the Regional Level
“ Mayor Velasco and I and our two City Councils work closely together ,” Tate said , “ and we ’ ve advocated together to get South County ’ s share of Measure B funds for transportation . As a Mayor , I sit on the board of the Cities Association of Santa Clara , which produces an annual set of priorities based on regional and sub-regional ideas . Along with clean energy , the list includes equitable communities , countywide trails and parks , Age-Friendly Cities ( Morgan Hill is one ), and marijuana regulation . The Cities Association assigns representatives to other entities like the Association of Bay Area Governments ( ABAG ), and the Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO ). Lack of South County representation on LAFCO has been very discouraging , but we ’ re making progress .”
According to Velasco , “ Many feel that South County should have more elected representation on LAFCO . Other cities aren ’ t experiencing the same growth pressures that we are here in South County . Without full representation , all we can do is to set the record straight .”
Both cities are also members of the League of California Cities ( LCC ), represented by its Peninsula Division , which includes the counties of Santa Clara , San Mateo and San Francisco .
Velasco noted that “ a lot of lobbying goes on in Sacramento , through the League , when state bills come up that try to take away local control . We have to be on guard against statemandated legislation if it doesn ’ t make sense for our cities . We can ’ t allow Sacramento to take away resources to redistribute them to agencies .”
Tate added , “ We show up and prevail upon our representatives to protect our interests . It ’ s tough when the state mandates that we do things locally that they don ’ t pay for , that we have to take care of , that take one or more fulltime employees to get the work done .”
Gilroy and Morgan Hill now have the same representatives in the State Assembly , with Anna Caballero , 30th Assembly District ; and in the Senate , with Bill Monning , 17th Senate District . In the U . S . House of Representatives , Morgan Hill and San Martin are part of California ’ s 19th Congressional District , with Zoe Lofgren , who visited our community in April . Gilroy is split between the 19th Congressional District , and California ’ s 20th Congressional District represented by Jimmy Panetta .
In order to promote our place in regional activities , council members in both cities sit on a variety of regional boards , commissions , and associations . Activities of these regional organizations are regularly reported back to our communities at council meetings and shared online via city government websites . Both cities have ramped up their community outreach in recent years via community workshops , the web , streaming media , and community publications .
The South County is a tourism location on the verge of a major awakening . From Silicon Valley it is an ideal spot for “ staycations ” and for sports tourism , agritourism , outlet shopping , local theater , festivals , and wine tasting . Traditional tourism locations such as Monterey , Carmel , and the Central Coast are father away and more expensive . Our neighbors are discovering that staying in Gilroy or Morgan Hill is a great alternative and that opens the door to new local experiences .
Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park entertains visitors from throughout California and around the world ; and it ’ s right in our own backyard . Just recently its Circus Trees were recognized by the Visit California organization as one of eight “ Hidden Gems ” in California . The Circus Trees are a unique collection of sycamores , box elders , ash and Spanish cord trees that have beenshaped into whimsical designs .
Sports tourism is a big regional draw . Cycling , hiking , golf and boating are all here in South County . The cities are surrounded by amazing parks and open spaces , unlike the congested streets and crowded trails to the North .
Morgan Hill has invested in sports facilities with the capacity and amenities to host local and regional sports
GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN MAY / JUNE 2017 gmhtoday . com