President Rose Touts
College’s Benefits to
Communities Served
avilan College Superintendent/President,
Dr. Kathleen Rose, has been making the rounds.
You may have seen her presentation at the Gilroy
Rotary, or the Morgan Hill Rotary. Maybe it was at a
Gilroy Chamber of Commerce event or a recent American
Association of University Women meeting.
She’s been out in the community to share the message
that Gavilan College has endless possibilities for the people
who live and work in our district. Some of the information in
her presentations has been surprising for people who haven’t
been closely involved with the college recently. For example,
Gavilan College now offers 22 different Associate Degrees
for Transfer, and 85 options for an Associate Degree over-
all. Career training is offered in 11 career fields with more
on the way: keep watching for news about the program
in Unmanned Aircraft systems, aka drones; HVAC; and
Hospitality. Gavilan College also provides regional leader-
ship in adult education and is federally designated as a
Hispanic-Serving Institution.
Dr. Rose encourages the community to get to know
Gavilan by visiting the main campus, one of the satellite sites,
or the college’s new website. Gavilan now has fi ve physical
locations: the main campus in Gilroy, downtown satellite
sites in Hollister and Morgan Hill, the Aviation Maintenance
Technology facility at the San Martin Airport, and the new
Coyote Valley Center. The beautiful Gilroy campus has some
new wonders to explore: the arboretum, the native garden,
and the native meadow currently under development. The
campus also sports a food pantry and shiny new water tanks
that you may have seen from Highway 101.
Other work that is now underway on the main campus
includes a seismic retrofi t of the Student Center, retrofi tting of
the swimming pools, and renovation of the sports fi elds. Plans
for the future include the development of a San Benito County
Educational Center at Fairview Corners, phase two of the
development of the Coyote Valley Center, and renovation of
the theater, library, and student center on the Gilroy Campus.
Fun Facts
• 436 employees (287 FTE)
• An operating budget of $43 M
not including Measure E
• Conferred 1130 degrees and certifi cates
in 2016, including 256 A.A., 140 A.S.,
75 A.A.T., and 89 A.S.T.
• Federal funds - $10 M / year
• Business Administration AS-T
• Administration of Justice AS-T
• Liberal Arts AA
• Communication Studies AA-T
• Psychology AA-T
• Health Sciences AS
• CSU – General Education
• Administration of Justice – Academy
• Aviation – Powerplant
• Water Resouirces Management
• Aviation - Airframe
In addition to taking classes and enjoying the campus,
there are many opportunities to be a part of the college
community. Check the website for job openings, get
involved with the Gavilan College Educational Foundation
and Alumni, join a career advisory board, post job
openings for Gavilan students, or support theatrical and
athletics events. Most of all, start getting ready for the
centennial celebration in 2019!