mother , I appreciate every minute of my son ’ s visits — no errands , no fixing / repairing that needs to be done — just enjoy his company , hearing his voice , looking at his handsome face , vicariously sharing his experiences . Your parent may not tell you or show you that you are loved but that doesn ’ t mean they don ’ t feel it . Really !
Living alone with not much to do can eat away at one ’ s resolve . Loneliness is suffocating . Some seniors secretly wonder what their purpose is . They don ’ t feel needed . Therapy helps , yes . But you can help them too ! Involve them in things you do . Our generation embraces the need to stimulate one ’ s brain , to not let age stop us from learning a new language , or enrolling in dance class . Many of our seniors have a different orientation . Traditional thinking can get in the way of aging successfully if you were told that once you hit 50 , you should cut your hair , stop being silly and wear flat shoes ! I am joking here but do remember that their “ light ” is a different color than yours . Take them by the hand and help them step into your world from time to time . That will help you both make the most of the energy they emit .
I once heard someone say that “ after 21 , you really can ’ t blame your parents or grandparents anymore .” That makes sense . So , what can you do if you are emulating your parent ’ s negative energy when it comes to aging ? If you want to enjoy this part of your journey , you take control and age the way YOU choose to . Seek energy that gives you positive light . Be the best you can be at any age . If you want to learn to play tennis at 60 , go for it . If you want to color your hair so it is purple at the tips , do it . If you still want to fall in love , put yourself out there ! Celebrities give themselves the license to age the way they want to . You should too !
Visiting Angels once had a client whose grandchildren called her the Old Lady Gaga . She wore colorful outfits . She was fun and silly . She passionately did “ her thing ” through her 80s . She was phosphorescent — the way all of us should aim to be as we age !
GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN MAY / JUNE 2017 gmhtoday . com