City Beat
Morgan Hill Values Water
Submitted By : Anthony Eulo , City of Morgan Hill Program Administrator , Anthony . eulo @ morganhill . ca . gov 408.310.4179
Maureen Tobin , Communications and Engagement Manager Maureen . tobin @ morganhill . ca . gov 408.310.4706
In June , the Morgan Hill City Council took action to update Morgan Hill ’ s Water Use Ordinance to reflect a new way of life in relation to water use with continued conservation as the new normal . During the recent historic drought , the Morgan Hill community responded exceptionally to the call for conservation . The City ’ s per capita water production was reduced by over 35 % in 2015 and 2016 when compared to the index year of 2013 . The community saved nearly a billion gallons of water in 2015 alone . Thank you Morgan Hill !
While the bountiful winter brought the State , Region , and City out of the drought , most experts agree that California must continue to treat water as a precious resource that is highly valued . When considered together , climate change , seismic instability , and biological concerns paint an uncertain picture of California ’ s future water supply . With this in mind , the State Water Resources Control Board and other State agencies finalized their report , Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life , in April 2017 . The framework introduced in this report will evolve into regulations requiring all water agencies , including the City , to take steps toward higher levels of permanent conservation .
Acting as a leader in water conservation , the City of Morgan Hill moved ahead in updating its current ordinance in order to permanently encourage greater levels of conservation . Under the updated ordinance Morgan Hill residents will follow a schedule that allows for irrigating a maximum of three days per week from April 1 — October 31 :
• Mondays , Thursdays , and Saturdays for odd numbered addresses and properties with no address
• Tuesday , Fridays , and Sundays for even numbered addresses
• No watering on Wednesdays
• Watering is permitted before 9am and after 7pm
• Watering is limited to no more than 15 minutes per watering station
During the winter months , from November 1 – March 31 , irrigation will be one day a week on Wednesdays only .
In support of sustained water conservation , the City of Morgan Hill will continue to offer a full range of economic assistance ( rebates ), demonstration gardens , and educational programs to encourage water conservation . Water is always a precious resource in Morgan Hill and there is never enough to waste .
For additional information about the updated ordinance , irrigation schedules and water conservation in Morgan Hill visit mhvalueswater . com , email us at environ @ morganhill . ca . gov or call us at 308.310.4195 .
Save Water Forever !