gmhTODAY 2024 Winter | Page 48

Lisa and Jayson Stebbins — “ We grew up together .”

stories from the heart : futures built upon foundations of love

by Kelly Barbazette
As Valentine ’ s Day draws near , we ’ re honored to share the stories of four local couples whose marriages we admire and respect . Whether married for more than 50 years or less than one , a generous , expansive love is at the heart of our couples ’ relationships .
We ’ re delighted to take you behind the scenes of their stories — from their first romantic spark to their continued efforts to make each other a priority amid life ’ s busy moments and curveballs . A solid friendship , consistent communication , shared values , and maintaining a sense of self are just a few building blocks that the foundations of their marriages have in common .

Lisa and Jayson Stebbins — “ We grew up together .”

“ We got out our planners ,” Lisa said , chuckling . The couple decided that mid-January would be the perfect time for their wedding . Lisa was a second-year student at West Valley College and working part-time while Jayson was working full-time at a mortgage company .
That was 30 years ago .
Jayson , 52 , and Lisa , 50 , have since moved to Morgan Hill , then moved to Austin , TX , where they lived from 1994 to 1998 , before settling in Gilroy and raising a family . They have three children , ages 24 , 11 , and 9 .
Looking back on those early years , they reflect that they learned a lot as they grew up together .

When Jayson Stebbins returned home to Morgan Hill from a mission trip in 1993 , he attended a church service and met Lisa . Their connection was undeniable .

“ It was a pretty quick , instant connection ,” Lisa recalled .
Shortly after , they went on their first date when Jayson invited her to attend a play in which he was performing . Unbeknownst to Lisa , she would be up on the stage before the end of the night . He had arranged a special post-show Italian dinner for two complete with flowers .
“ To have those two backgrounds come together . Those first six months were interesting . We didn ’ t communicate the same way ,” Jayson remembered .
They say moving to Austin , where they didn ’ t know anyone , solidified their relationship .
“ It was just the two of us . We had to figure it out ,” Jayson said . They say they feel most connected when they ’ re communicating well . Additionally , having shared beliefs helps .
“ We ’ re on the same page why we ’ re together and why we have a family . That ’ s important for our family ,” Lisa said .
After dinner , they shared a dance on stage and later watched the film “ Far and Away ” at Jayson ’ s house . Six weeks later , they got engaged at their church ’ s talent show . Lisa was backstage helping with production when Jayson asked her to marry him . It wasn ’ t a complete surprise as the couple had begun to discuss marriage .
Jayson said respecting what each brings to the marriage is also key to their healthy relationship .
“ Lisa is much more organized and deliberate when it comes to tasks , whereas I ’ m a heavy procrastinator … I think I ’ m more balanced and a little less reactive with the kids ,” he said .
WINTER 2024 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com