gmhTODAY 2024 Winter | Page 5

- Debbi and Mike
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Debbi & Mike Sanchez , Publishers

On a beautiful Friday not long ago , we took a drive over to 41st

Avenue in Santa Cruz and escaped for the afternoon . We stopped in at one of our favorite haunts , Pleasure Pizza East Side Eatery . After a delicious late lunch and a little something ( for Mike ) from their full bar , we hopped up the street to Verve Coffee Roasters . A latte and cappuccino to go and we strolled down 41st Avenue towards East Cliff Drive and the water .
We popped into a few shops along the way , enjoyed “ browsing ” then made our way to The Hook Vista Point to watch the surfers , who were enjoying decent breakers . The Hook is becoming one of our favorite chill spots . People come and go . We can hang there and just take in the ocean . Super cool .
We had the new pup , Roast Beef with us . She is such a celebrity . Everyone who saw her wanted to pet her , say hello , and ask questions . She ’ s the popular one , and we clearly are working for her ! Making our way through her new fans , and the paparazzi ( yes , people want to take pictures of and with her !), we strolled down East Cliff toward the Cove and Pleasure Point . We asked someone to snap the photo above so we could capture the colorful sky . The sun was setting , and the distant clouds made for a spectacular sunset . We were headed towards it .
Hanging out at Pleasure Point for a bit , we started chatting with people and answering questions about Roast Beef ! It ’ s incredible how many people love this little pup . We continued down East Cliff Drive toward Pleasure Point Park and Point Market . We continued all the way down East Cliff Drive to Rockview , then got to the end of the road at Rockview Drive County Park – which is mostly frequented by locals who live along Palisades Drive and have backyards that overlook the beach .
We chilled for a bit there and chatted with some locals . Guess what we talked about ? Yup , the pup . By this time , it was evening , and the sun was fading from view . We started heading back on East Cliff to 41st Avenue . Had we more time and daylight , we could have walked down East Cliff to Moran Lake Beach and Two-Six Beach . There are so many tiny beaches along the way from Pleasure Point to Santa Cruz harbor , they ’ re like little gems . It ’ s incredible to walk along the coast and discover them .
We made it back to the car , jaunted over Hwy 1 and Hecker Pass , and we were back in the Garlic City . It was a great escape – cheap , fun , and low key . In 2024 , we hope to get back to these little escapes on a regular basis . As we explore our area , we ’ ll share our adventures with you so you can plan your escapes with a little intel from us . If you have some great local escapes you love , share them with us . We live in one of the best areas on the planet . Let ’ s take it in ! Happy New Year ... Let ’ s go make history !
- Debbi and Mike