Historically Speaking Gilroy
The Marchetti Family of Uvas Valley
The accompanying 1929 photo of the Piedmont Club enjoying an outing with a glass of wine in hand has been shared in a variety of publications . This image of all of the gentleman winemakers is the most familiar , but the event was actually a gathering of families and the group photo with spouses and children is particularly endearing .
The reason for the occasion is unknown , but the expression on their faces suggests that it occurred prior to the grape harvest and certainly before October 29 , 1929 — the date that marked the Black Friday stock market crash and the onset of the Great Depression . The location is identified as along Hecker Pass Highway . The very large oak tree in the picture indicates that the meeting might have been at the grounds of the Live Oak School which sat at the intersection of Watsonville Road with Hecker Pass .
The Piedmont Club was the name given to the group of Italian immigrants who hailed from the Piedmont region of Italy , settling in what was known as the Solis District and the Uvas Valley west of the small town of Gilroy . Appreciating the context of the image , learning about those families in attendance , and identifying other families who lived in the area but who were unable to join in with the festivities , enhances our understanding of their stories .
The moment captures a satisfied facial expression that certainly masked the years of hard work and the daily struggles which the families endured in traveling to the United States , leaving their homeland and relatives , in an attempt to seek a more prosperous life .
54 by Mike Monroe
A study of one of the families , the Marchetti ’ s , reveals the determination and perseverance of the European immigrants who arrived during the early 1900 ’ s . Many families arrived through Ellis Island in New York harbor , and then had to work their way across the country , finding employment and saving their money in the hope of a better future .
In the photo , Enrico and John Marchetti are portrayed in their three-piece suits , as are their friends , for this special occasion . The Marchetti family , from Balangero , Piedmont , Italy , which is northwest of Torino ( Turin ), consisted of five boys and one girl born to Domenico and Marguerita Fumelli Marchetti . Enrico ( aka “ Henry ” 1869-1933 ) was the second oldest . He was the first to leave Italy in 1902 . His departure began the 10 year immigration process of the Marchetti family to the United States . All six of the siblings eventually arrived after taking different paths , but their journeys all intersected at Bingham Canyon , Utah .
The other unique intersection of the Marchetti ’ s was the three marriages into the Togliatti family who also hailed from Balangero , Italy . Both Enrico and his youngest brother , John ,
MAIN IMAGE : Anselmo Conrotto ( fourth from left in the front row ) and other members of Gilroy ’ s Piedmont Club at a meeting near Hecker Pass Highway in California in 1929 . Front Row ( l-r ) Emilio Scagliotti , Joseph Viarengo , Giachinto Conrotto , Anselmo Conrotto , Enrico Giachino , Felix Pappani , Camillo Colombano , Virginio Pappani , Serifino Giretti , Back Row : Albert Balanesi , Enrico Marchetti , John Giachino , Dominic Ortalda , Joe Bellini , Dominic Serafini , Ed Scagliotti , John Marchetti .. Courtesy of Aldo and Aurora Viarengo .
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