Even though the monument is still only a vision, she said
they’ve already held some candelight vigils at that spot, such
as after the disappearance of Morgan Hill resident Sierra
LaMar, and after the mass shooting at the Parkland, Florida
school Majory Stoneman Douglas last year.
She would also like to invite people to take a peace
pledge. “People would donate and commit to the pledge for
peace that has to do with unity, nonviolent actions, sharing
with others, listening to understand and helping your
Despite its stated goals, she has found that, ironically,
some people are uncertain about the word “peace.” “People
are funny about that word. They feel like it has more to do
with an ideology rather than being against violence.” She
fears that this may keep some people from donating, and
wishes to explain that it’s really about “inviting tolerance,
friendship and nonviolence” particularly, she said, in this
time of xenophobia.
“We need to help people understand there’s an answer
in nonviolence. We can dialogue and help our neighbors.
This means so much more than a peace monument in
the ground.”
Librers-Leach, who works for Delta Airlines, says she has
expanded her own understanding and acceptance of others
by traveling, calling herself a “travelholic.”
“When you experience other cultures, it makes you
realize you have more in common than you do differences.
That’s the beauty of it for me.”
Moreover, she finds that travel also allows her to go
deeper into herself. “When you travel, no matter where you
go, you see yourself differently. I’m not the same person
when I come back from a trip.”
She has several small fundraisers planned this year
including a pie-selling fundraiser of Gizdich Pies in April,
and what she hopes will be a “world fest” with different
cultures' music and appetizers, at Morgan Hill Cellers
in May.
“I want Morgan Hill to stand for something. This project
is bigger than you and me.”
To donate: gofundme.com/mhmonument. Learn more at:
december 2018-january 2019