Dr. Jernell Escobar, a dentist for
over thirteen years, purchased Dr. Dan
Palmerlee's practice in 2013. Palmerlee
retired after 43 years and moved to
Portland, Oregon to be with his family.
He left some big shoes to fill as his
clientele were loyal and many had
grown up under his care. But Jernell
proved to be “a calming force” for
those of us who enter a dentist office
with fear and trepidation and thus
precipitated a smooth transition.
Dr. Wafelbakker DMD, known to
many of us as Dr. Bas, the guy who
put braces on our kids, grandkids,
friends and relatives. Not many of us,
however, know Dr. Bas Wafelbakker as
the internationally known orthodontist
who shares his orthodontic skill in
an innovative and creative technique
with his peers. Dr. Wafelbakker is one
of a small group of US doctors using
a combination of procedures called
MEAW (Multiloop edgewise archwire)
and SureSmile.
Because of Bas’ expertise, he is
invited every year to Vienna to lec-
ture at the home base of the MEAW
procedures. Every other year he
is invited to speak at the MEAW/
SureSmile international training
conference. These invitations have
taken him to Miami, South Korea,
Japan and, in the last month, to Viña
del Mar in Chile.
december 2018-january 2019