n December 12, 2018, Council-
member Rich Constantine
was sworn in as Morgan Hill’s
newly-elected mayor. Having benefitted
from a smooth-running city council over
the past 12 years of former Mayor Steve
Tate’s leadership, Morgan Hill residents
are eager to see how Constantine will
During his college years at San Jose
State University, Constantine pursued a
B.S. degree in Aeronautics. He wanted
to be a pilot, even considered a career
in the Navy, but world events changed
“The year I graduated, the Berlin
Wall came down,” he said. "A new
era of glasnost emerged. Our military
underwent massive budget cuts. Just
like that, they stopped recruiting pilots.”
Forced to make a course correction,
Constantine did some research and
decided to apply with the fire service.
In 1994 he landed a job with the
San Jose Fire Department and served
with them for 24 years as a Firefighter
Engineer and EMT. He also provided
training for other fire engineers and
served as a Shift Representative for the
International Association of Firefighters
Union Local 230.
“What I learned as a firefighter about
teamwork and treating everyone with
respect I’ve carried with me into my
work on the city council.”
In 2010, Constantine was elected to
the Morgan Hill City Council. The first
few years were focused on supporting
the City through the Great Recession.
“Our city rebuilt itself from the
ashes, really. Smaller cities like ours
took a big hit. Even in good times this
city runs on a shoestring. Successful
rebuilding was due in part to the poli-
cies Mayor Tate and the council, and
I’m proud to have been part of that
Constantine decided to run for
mayor in 2018, and announced that if
elected, he’d retire from the San Jose
Fire Department.
“I knew I couldn’t be a ‘part-time
mayor,’ because it’s not a part-time job.
One of the reasons I ran was to have
the ability to ‘steer the ship’ so to speak.
There are things I want to see done
for the city by building on the great
foundation we have.”
Last December, the new Mayor
reviewed highlights of his platform with
TODAY . Having just taken office,
he said it was “too soon to be talking
about legacy” but added that “the
platform I ran on is what I’m hoping
to do. People are going to hold me
accountable for that, as they should.”
Affordable Housing
During his campaign, Constantine
pledged to establish, and chair, a
community task force of housing
advocates, environmentalists, business,
landowners and neighborhood leaders
to examine best practices that have
worked in other communities. Also,
to engage in community outreach and
look at the county’s Affordable Housing
Fund program as a possible source
of funding. He stated that within six
months, the task force would present a
plan to City Council that allows Morgan
Hill to continue slow and smart growth
while creating additional incentives
and opportunities to build affordable
“I want to help make the American
Dream a reality for all who seek it,”
he said. “If elected Mayor, affordable
housing will be my top priority.”
Ensure Sensible Growth
Constantine outlined four steps he’ll
take to ensure “smart, reasonable
growth,” keeping in mind the City’s
growth control measure established in
1977. Here are the highlights:
• Cultivate relationships with existing
local businesses through semi-annual
joint city council and chamber of
commerce sessions open to the public.
february/march 2019
• Expand efforts to attract new business
by creating an Economic Advisory
Commission to work with the City’s
Economic Development Department
on strategies and policies that attract
“the right kinds of employers”.
• Upgrade business climate and
infrastructure (quality high-speed
internet, business-friendly permitting
and fees, and “business incubator”
• Honor our agricultural heritage and
help the ag community thrive as
farmers and ranchers.
“We’re residential heavy, and
business light,” Constantine said.
“We need to diversify our income
stream to protect ourselves against the
next recession. We can attract more
manufacturing, industrial, and ware-
housing companies and jobs to land
that’s already zoned for it. I’d also
like to see businesses that are tied to
agriculture. We’re one of the last bas-
tions of ag and as Mayor I plan to
look into the needs of our farmers
and ranchers. To attract professional
services, we also need more office space
and it has to be affordable.”
“Developers know Morgan Hill is
a good community. We want them to
know Morgan Hill as a good place to
build and grow a business. We’re now
working on the Monterey Corridor
Plan, extending north and south of the
downtown core, and expect to have a
plan in place in March. As a council
we’re not going to rush it. We want
to see it done right. The Residential
Development Control System (RDCS)
is there to help ensure that whatever is
built is of good quality.”
Improve Traffic (and Transportation)
Constantine has vowed to not only help
end gridlocked traffic in Morgan Hill,
but also to advocate for Morgan Hill’s
needs with the VTA and Caltrain.
“Transportation needs to be more
convenient for Morgan Hill commuters.
Electrification of Caltrain must extend