Require Government
Accountability and Transparency
“I believe our City can improve in this
regard,” Constantine said. “I’ve asked
city staff to draft a Lobbyist Registration
and Disclosure Ordinance. Our citizens
have the right to know about the
activities of paid lobbyists and who they
meet with at City Hall.”
He’d like to bring city council
meetings to local neighborhoods a few
times each year, to encourage broader
public engagement. He’s also advocating
for Campaign Finance Reports and
Contributions to be posted on the
City’s website.
“When it comes to matters of public
policy and our use of taxpayer dollars, I
believe in full and open disclosure.”
On the flip side, Mayor Constantine
said he and other council members will
work to ensure the City’s voice is heard
when proposed State legislation threatens
to erode local control on important
issues such as housing and land use.
Participation in the California League of
Cities provides an important vehicle to
accomplish this goal. While Morgan Hill
is not currently represented on the Board
of Directors, Mayor Constantine is Chair
of the League’s Governance Transparency
and Labor Relations Board.
Building Consensus
“The city council’s job is to focus
on what’s best for the city and keep
personal ideologies at bay,” Constantine
said. “As Mayor, my job is not really to
build consensus. Our council works
as a team: we all read the meeting
agendas; come with open minds; hear
information from staff, council and
citizens; discuss issues openly; and then
build consensus to move things forward
in a unifi ed way.”
In closing, Constantine said, “At the
end of the day, my job is to do what’s
best for the City and its citizens. I live
here too. This is what motivates me.”
Constantine lives in Morgan Hill with
his wife Andrea, an EMT with American
Medical Response, and their daughter
Emma who will be three years old
this year.
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