gmhTODAY 28 gmhTODAY Oct-Dec 2019 | Page 65

Paulson saw a small, dark-haired figure run across the hall in her home. It wasn’t any of her children. “The first thought that I have is: Matthew. I didn’t want it to be true. I wanted him to be safe in his body, so I decided I was crazy.” But a couple of days later Katrina called to let her know that Matthew had passed and she hoped that Paulson would talk with the family. Paulson was afraid of instilling false hope in the family, so she demurred. Then, she said, Matthew began visiting her dreams nightly, waking her from much-needed sleep to show her an image of herself carving on a tombstone. “He said ‘I need you to talk to my mom,’” she said. Worn down by his persistence, she agreed to talk with Matthew’s family. What followed forever changed her attitude about her gift and what she should do with it. “We ruled out [me being] crazy,” she said. Matthew’s family was in the process of packing up his room when she came for the visit. Matthew spoke through Paulson and described items he wanted his sister to have that Paulson had never seen. His mother would go down the hall to his room and bring back the items he described. “I still get goosebumps thinking about it. I was the biggest skeptic. I was trying to figure out how is this possible, how is this really happening?” she said. As for the dream of the tombstone, she said it turned out that his family had yet to put up a headstone. In the dream, she was carving a symbol. Matthew’s father asked if she would recognize it if he wrote some down. She wasn’t sure, but agreed to try. Paulson recognized the one Matthew’s father wrote immediately. “His father said it was Matthew’s name in another language. I picked it out of all of them. We both about fell over. He had just taught Matthew how to write that before he died,” she said. Translating the Spirit World From that point forward, Paulson began to listen in earnest. “Spirit wanted not only to be seen but heard.” By 2011, she began to work with a small number of clients privately, though she came and went from it until October of 2017, when she began to work full time. Paulson has found that clients come to her two general reasons; to speak to a loved one who has passed, or for a sense of peace or closure. “They want to know, am I going to be okay here? They come to know that their loved ones are okay.” Though some people also want guidance, Paulson makes clear that she is not a therapist and only translates what the spirits tell her. “I one hundred percent work for spirit.” She also makes no guarantees that a loved one will show up, but she said they do about ninety percent of the time. “I never make a spirit speak, but I will ask.” Sessions last anywhere from an hour to ninety minutes. When clients come in, she begins with the Matthew story as a way to share something personal about herself and put them on the same footing. Then she tells her clients, “My job today is to give you the messages that [the spirits] want you to have. They brought you here and I’m just their microphone.” A Deeper Faith She draws upon a strong faith in God, though she is open to all faiths and those who consider themselves atheists. GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN FALL/HOLIDAY 2019 “He gave me this gift, it’s his not mine. I do it to the best of my ability and get my ego out of the way,” she said. Her work as a medium has deepened her faith. “I get to witness miracles. I even notice the miracles that were there all along, the simple little things.” Though she was nervous in the early days as she began to open herself up, she now feels her work “has made me more authentically me.” She believes it’s important to model authenticity for her four children. Her family supports her work, as well. When she took a break from it for a while, her husband of 16 years, Brian, encouraged her back toward it. And recently her father introduced her as a medium, which she said was a big deal. She has studied other mediums over the years to practice and hone her gift, and has learned to trust that what she sees and hears is real. However, she does caution people who wish to work with her that if they’re just looking for specific psychic information, that’s not her area of specialty. While she said sometimes the spirits communicate information about the future, she tends not to pass that information on. “I don’t think we’re supposed to have all the answers. I think we’re supposed to figure things out. We have to choose. That’s why we’re here.” Instead, she said, “I feel like my job is to connect those of us here to our loved ones who have passed. My job is to translate soul, or it’s translated to me.” For people who come to her expecting answers, she clarifies, “There’s so much I don’t know. I don’t have the answers.” Instead, she urges people “Come with an open heart. Let go of some of your expectations because you’ll receive more that way.” 65