Shyam Venkatesan, Malkeet Padda, Ashwinikumar Jha, Poonam Chabra, Monica Iyer, Yashmi Mistry, Rani Bains, Dilip Patel and Manjeet Singh
Indian Association of
South Santa Clara County
Written By Poonam Chapra with Robin Shepherd
ccording to the United Nations, in 2019, the
world’s largest migrant diaspora population
traces its roots to India. While the first
significant wave of India’s immigrants arrived
in America in the 1800s, historical records
reveal their presence here as early as the 1600s.
Beginning in the 20 th century, they not only became
part of the fabric of America but have contributed greatly
to our history of progress and innovation. In the past two
decades alone, Indian-Americans have joined the ranks of
this country’s NASA astronauts, federal judges, Congressional
and Senate representatives, Ivy League university presidents
and deans, Nobel prize winners, best-selling authors, and
captains of industry (think NASDAQ, Standard & Poor’s,
PepsiCo, Google and Microsoft for starters).
The Roots of IASC
In South Santa Clara County, a vibrant community of
India’s sons and daughters—first and second generation
immigrants who arrived in the early 1970s—became
our neighbors, colleagues and friends. Two decades later
they formed what has come to be known as the Indian
Association of South Santa Clara County (IASC).
IASC was established by India’s immigrants to celebrate
and share with their children and grandchildren a heritage
and history that might otherwise be lost.
According to IASC Board President, Poonam Chabra,
the local Indian community wanted to celebrate traditional
events within their own neighborhoods rather than having
to travel to San Jose or further north.