gmhTODAY 29 gmhTODAY Jan March 2020 | Page 25

“People often ask how I got into this work. As an introvert I was fortunate to fi nd ways to express myself through art from an early age. It was through fi lm that I really found my voice, and now I help others fi nd theirs.” Alex Vo Filmmaker, Elevative Media Founder of Fifth Street Market A lex Vo, 36, was born in San Diego and raised in San Jose. His family heritage is Vietnamese. No sooner had he earned a Degree in Film from Full Sail University, than he founded Alex Vo Films, a production company specializing in short form documentaries. From day one he focused on strengthening the company culture, positioning and branding of his clients through fi lm and related marketing projects, working with Fortune 500 to small nonprofi t organizations. He pursued his passion for creative storytelling using captured reality and visuals inspired by traditional cinema and success followed. In 2019, Alex rebranded his venture, now known as Elevative Media, in partnership with a photographer and close colleague. GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN Their clients include National Geographic (NatGeo Wild), Adobe, Boys & Girls Club, and the Learning & Loving Education Center in Morgan Hill. In one past project that’s close to his heart, Alex employed his fi lmmaking skills to help raise $100,000 for the fi rst K-6 school in an impoverished area of Nicaragua. Alex is a Leadership Morgan Hill Board member and alum (2018), and a member of the Morgan Hill Rotary Club. He and his wife Amber, founder of Fifth Street Market, enjoy living in their beautiful Victorian home in downtown Morgan Hill with their Golden Retriever, Otis, and Emma, a mini Australian Shepherd. But most of all, they love being part of the community. WINTER 2020 25