gmhTODAY 29 gmhTODAY Jan March 2020 | Page 28

“When I was a kid, we all walked or biked to school. Why don’t we bring it back? Let’s get our kids engaged, right here in town, and teach them bike and pedestrian safety. It keeps them active and healthy and gives them a degree of freedom.” Zack Hilton Firefigher/Paramedic City of Oakland Z achary “Zach” Hilton, 42, has served the City of Oakland as a Firefi ghter/Paramedic for nearly 20 years. In this dual role with Oakland FD, he shoulders both fi re suppression and emergency medical care responsibilities. In his spare time, Hilton serves as Managing Director of the Bay Area Paramedic Journal Club (BAPJC). A typical BAPJC event brings together EMS directors, ED docs, fl ight nurses and paramedics to exchange ideas and lessons. Hilton studied Fire Science Technology at Chabot College and went on to earn his Paramedic license. He began work on an ambulance for Alameda County Emergency Medical Services at 19 years of age, and received their Star of Life Award in 2010. Around that same time, Hilton sold his car and bought a road bike. Before long he was racing competitively as a member of the 28 GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN San Jose Bike Club. As a member (and current Chair) of Gilroy’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission (BPAC), he has played a central role in improving bicycle-friendly planning, street and trail riding, bike sharing and parking. He is particularly proud of helping Gilroy establish a BMX track in Christmas Hill Park, complete streets with bike lanes, high- visibility crosswalks and pedestrian stoplights, and support for a hillside adventure park with hiking/cycling trails behind Gilroy Gardens. Hilton is the recipient of the League of American Bicyclists Bike-Friendly Community Award (2018- 2022). He is also the Parent Coordinator for Safe Routes To School at his daughters’ elementary school in Gilroy. Hilton lives in Gilroy with his wife Katie, a teacher at El Roble Elementary, and their eight-year-old daughter, Avery. WINTER 2020