gmhTODAY 29 gmhTODAY Jan March 2020 | Page 63

City Beat Senate Bill 330 and its Impact of Morgan Hill Housing By Maureen Tobin, Communications & Engagement Manager B eginning on January 1, 2020, a new State Housing Law, Senate Bill 330, suspends Morgan Hill’s voter-approved growth control system and permits all housing growth. Last fall, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law SB 330, “The Housing Crisis Act of 2019.” As enacted, SB 330 is intended to accelerate housing construction across the State. • SB 330 only requires objective design criteria when permitting a development; subjective design judgments such as look, feel, and character of design are up to the developer. occupy the unit. Examples of just cause include nonpayment of rent, habitual late payment, or frequent bounced checks. In these cases, relocation pay- ments to tenants may apply. This bill is intended to phase out in 2030. • Previous growth control require- ments that would have limited density are suspended and property development may construct to maxi- mum density. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) • Certain development fees normally paid are suspended under SB 330. How Does SB 330 Affect Morgan Hill? SB 330 suspends Morgan Hill’s Resi- dential Development Control System (RDCS), currently known as Measure S, for five years (2020-2025). The voter- approved RDCS had been in place for more than 40 years. Under the new legislation, the City cannot control the pace or number of housing permits issued each year. It means that an unlimited number of residential permits may be issued, and the permitting process overall must be expedited as quickly as possible. What Does This Mean to Morgan Hill residents? • There will be fewer public hearings and community outreach related to residential development and growth control. • Certain parking requirements normally required for projects constructed near bus/train transit corridors are restricted/limited under SB 330. Density Bonus New Housing Legislation: Tenant Rent Protections Tenants will be provided new rental protections by Assembly Bill (AB) 1482 and Senate Bill 329. Beginning on January 1, 2020, all residential proper- ties with two units or more, that are 16 years or older, will be restricted from raising annual rents by more than 5 percent plus inflation. In addition, landlords will have certain obligations to provide extended notice of rent increases. Landlords will be limited to just-cause eviction of tenants unless the property is undergoing extensive reha- bilitation or a family member intends to GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN WINTER 2020 ADUs sometimes called “Granny Flats” received development assistance and streamlining from local requirements/ processes through four major bills: AB 881, AB 68, SB 13 and AB 670. Collec- tively, these laws limit local government review and regulation in several ways. For more information visit California’s webpage for legislative information: State Density Bonus Law, AB 1763, also saw some significant changes. Affordable housing projects near transit, train or bus, may seek unlimited additional density beyond what has been established by the City of Morgan Hill General Plan. Anywhere else in the City may be granted up to 80 percent additional density. In addition, projects may receive waivers/exemptions from parking, side yard, setback and height requirements. While AB 1763 is in force, the City has no authority to disapprove a project that seeks to use the density bonus. Fremont Peak 63