Local fire and police departments were pushed to the limits in 2020 . The California wildfires tested Cal Fire and local fire departments in a seemingly never-ending season of destruction across the state . Locally , our hills were ablaze . Property , livestock and lives were threatened . Our firefighters served both on the front lines and “ back-filled ” for other agencies on rotation in a well-run statewide coverage plan . Many pulled long shifts and risked their safety to battle fires and keep loss to a minimum . Of special note were the local volunteers who jumped in to help save livestock in many areas engulfed by flames , and local tree specialists who worked alongside Cal Fire to fight the fires . Our local police departments had their own serious challenges in 2020 on top of having to deal with COVID-19 . Both fire and PD are now operating in a “ new normal ” with new restrictive protocols to keep the public safe . Thank you all for your service and dedication to our communities !
Our City Administrators and Public Workers
While we have been under shelter-in-place , our cities have continued to operate . With revenues slashed and sales tax dollars greatly diminished , our city leaders and public service workers have managed to “ keep the lights on .” Elected officials have led with class . City administrations and team members have been agile , creative , and effective in establishing priorities , new protocols in the workplace , and communicating to our residents . Our public service employees have kept our streets and parks clean , our systems working , and our cities open for business to the best of their ability . In very difficult times , these dedicated people have continued to serve our communities , and have kept us informed . Thank you !
Our Educators
Front Line Retail , Restaurant and Essential Workers
At daily risk of being exposed to the virus and under the constant pressure of … customers under pressure , our front-line restaurant and retail workers have been true champions for our communities . Dealing with the uncertainty of reduced hours , extra shifts , or whether they will have continued employment the next week , they warmly greet us and offer understanding . They patiently and consistently provide “ above and beyond ” levels of service . These important service providers keep showing up , day after day , to serve our meals , fill our cups , bag our groceries , and listen to our … struggles . In almost every instance they have a smile behind their mask . Our mail carriers , food delivery drivers , package handlers , and other essential workers also deserve our high praises . I see postal carriers seven days a week on my street , and at all hours . USPS and private sector delivery drivers have literally gone the extra mile for us . These are moms , dads , young adults and students who all have families at home . They all have the same challenges we do - in addition to the extra weight of their service to us . Their contribution to our communities is immeasurable !
Gilroy Unified , Morgan Hill Unified , Gavilan College and the many private schools throughout South County have earned our respect and gratitude . They have risen to meet the challenges brought on by the pandemic head on . Those who care for and educate our children have had to learn new technologies and methods of teaching on the fly . Administrators have led with courage and conviction , and teachers have immersed themselves in learning , adapting , and overcoming challenges . They are leading their classrooms in the new normal of online learning . They have embraced new protocols and remained flexible – ready to teach at all costs in the ebb and flow of State and County mandates . We cannot thank our educators enough for looking after and teaching our children !