Crystal Hann
Crystal Han is a freelance writer and artist . She graduated from San José State University with a BFA in Animation / Illustration and is an aspiring novelist , currently working on two books .
Ditching the Quarantine 15
It started harmlessly enough . With
the first lockdowns you thought , why not have those extra snacks or bake some cookies to get your mind off of things ? But as COVID-19 continues to upend our normal way of life , extending business closures , distance working , and schooling , all of that extra snacking may have turned into what ’ s been dubbed “ The Quarantine 15 .” Odds are either you or someone you know has lamented putting on some extra COVID weight . Even though we ’ re in the middle of a pandemic , there are still ways to shed those pesky pounds before they cause bigger problems .
Many people ’ s knee jerk reaction is to jump onto a complicated diet when they ’ re trying to lose weight , but there is no “ pandemic diet ” out there that ’ s going to make the pounds fly off like magic . With all of the health concerns , financial problems and uncertainty right now , the last thing you need is to add a diet that requires multiple food restrictions , meal preparations , and extensive shopping . A better way to start is to come up with a routine that focuses on the four pillars of weight loss : diet , exercise , sleep , and stress management . Dr . John Morton , MD , MPH , MHA , medical director of bariatric surgery at Yale New Haven Health System , emphasizes focusing on the fundamentals , like setting up a daily wake-up and bedtime . If you can , try planning your meals ahead of time . If you ’ re working from home now , get dressed like you ’ re going out to work anyway . It ’ s easier to ignore weight gain when you wear loose fitting clothing like sweats . Instead , it helps to put on clothes that will motivate you to be active . To avoid constant snacking , try scheduling coffee breaks and meal times as though you ’ re actually at work as well .
If you ’ re spending more time at home now , this could be a perfect opportunity to focus more on preparing healthy foods . Instead of calling for takeout because you don ’ t know what to make for dinner , try cooking a week ’ s worth of meals so that everything is already set up for you . Be sure to include plenty of whole grains , fruits , vegetables , and lean meats like chicken or fish . If that seems too overwhelming or if cooking isn ’ t really your thing , Kristin Kirkpatrick , a dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic , suggests taking the semi-home cooked route by stocking your kitchen with ready-to-use items that are easy to transform into a healthy meal . Things like frozen veggie mixes , pre-cooked quinoa or brown rice , frozen chicken breasts , and steel cut oats work wonderfully . Also remember that what you drink plays as much of a role as what you eat . Sodas , sweet teas , juice , and sports drinks are all loaded with more sugar than you realize . Opting for more water will help you feel fuller , which decreases extra snacking .
Surprisingly , exercise isn ’ t the main factor for weight loss ; however it plays a role in keeping the weight off once you lose it according to Dr . Artur Viana , MD , clinical director of the Yale Metabolic Health & Weight Loss Program . If you ’ re no longer able to go to the gym , you can still stay active by trying other activities like hiking , biking or body weight exercises like pushups . If you ’ re no longer commuting to work , you could “ commute ” by walking around the block a few times before you start your workday . It ’ ll likely leave you more energized and focused the rest of the day .
Sleep also plays a key role in your weight . Doctors Morton and Viana say that there ’ s a lot of evidence that people
who don ’ t get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight . This is because sleep deprivation increases ghrelin in your system , the hormone that tells you when to eat . As a result , you ’ re more likely to snack more throughout the day . That ’ s why it ’ s important to make sure you get at least seven or more hours of sleep each night , depending on what your body requires .
Stress is the number one culprit for a multitude of problems , including weight gain . To make matters worse , we ’ re more likely to reach for alcohol and comfort foods to alleviate our stress , which does more harm than good . That ’ s why it ’ s crucial to make sure you have a healthy stress management system in place . For some , this means going to therapy , for others it could be talking with friends or having a hobby like gardening . If you ’ re a person of faith who gets stress relief from church , many are now providing online services . Additionally , arranging a small prayer group online or over the phone can be a great way to stay spiritually connected .
Although you might want those extra pounds gone ASAP , remember to go easy on yourself . Gradual changes to diet and lifestyle positively impact long term health and weight loss more than extreme ones . While having a plan is good , Dr . Morton emphasizes that it must be sustainable and include allowances . You don ’ t need to cut out your favorite foods and drinks altogether . Having that occasional slice of pizza or chocolate cake won ’ t hurt as long as it ’ s not every day . With a good routine , patience , and moderation , you can beat the Quarantine 15 and emerge from this pandemic healthier than ever .
Where to find more information , on page 90 .