Local Companies and agencies Need You !
CITY OF GILROY : 9 OPENINGS Customer Service Manger Facilities Specialist Referral Firefighter Trainee Financial Analyst Fleet Manager Lateral Firefighter Management Analyst Office Assistant Permit Technician APPLY AT : governmentjobs . com / careers / cityofgilroy
GILROY VETERANS HALL : Multiple Event Staff Openings To apply , go to : sscvmemorialdistrict . org / the-district
Gilroy Elks Lodge PRESENTS
Featuring Fellow Elk Steve McGinnis and the Internationals Band
Sunday , October 10th . 2021
Bar Opens at 3:00pm • Dinner at 4:30pm
DINNER PREPARED BY CHEF DAVE BOZZO Bratwurst and Sauerkraut with Sweet Bavarian Mustard German Potato Salad , Pretzel Rolls with Caraway Salt , Apple Strudel
CORDEVALLE HAS OPENINGS : Apply at : cordevalle . applytojob . com
BOTTOMLEY DISTRIBUTING Seeks Class A Drivers and other personnel . Go to : bottomleydist . com / Job-Opportunities
$ 30 per person 12 and under $ 15 Proceeds go to Elks Scholorships
Main Event Sponsor
Concert Sponsor
For more information about these and other openings , visit : gilroy . org / joblisting . aspx
Open to Elks Members and their guests . To purchase tickets call : 408.842.9397
Gilroy Elks Lodge on the Hill - 2765 Hecker Pass , Gilroy
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