gmhTODAY Fall 2021 | Page 65

Help Local Efforts to End Food Insecurity

The California Association of Food Banks reports that although California produces nearly half of the nation ’ s fruits and vegetables , still 1 in 5 Californians — that ’ s about 8 million — currently struggle with food insecurity . “ Food insecurity ” is the occasional or constant lack of access to the food one needs for a healthy , active life .

Food insecurity has serious impacts on an individual ’ s well-being , which may result in poor school attendance and performance , lowered workplace productivity , and physical and mental health problems . Individuals struggling with food insecurity have to make tough decisions that no one should face . No family should have to decide between buying groceries or paying rent , no senior should have to choose between food and medicine , and no parent should have to skip a meal in order for their children to eat .

There is much we can do right here in our communities to help end food insecurity . Please consider supporting and / or volunteering at the agencies listed on the right , and spread the word about available food progams in our communities . We are stronger together . And together we can end food insecurity in our communities .

Saint Joseph ’ s Family Center :
• 7950 Church St . # A Gilroy
• stjosephsgilroy . org
• 408.847.5151
Salvation Army :
• 200 Fifth St . Gilroy
• gilroy . salvationarmy . org
• 408.848.5373
Edward Boss Prado Foundation :
• 35 Peebles Ave . Morgan Hill
• edwardbossprado . org
• 408.778-7411
Rebekah Children ’ s Services :
• 290 IOOF Ave . Gilroy
• rcskids . org
• 408.846.2100
Mt . Madonna YMCA :
• 171 W . Edmundson Ave ., Morgan Hill
• ymcasv . org
• 408.782.2128
Saint Catherine ’ s Reachout :
• 17400 Peak Ave . Morgan Hill
• stca . org / community-suppers
• 408.779.3959
Gilroy Senior Center :
• 7371 Hanna St . Gilroy
• facebook . com / gilroyseniorcenter
• 408.846.0460
Morgan Hill Senior Center :
• 171 W . Edmundson Ave ., Morgan Hill
• morgan-hill . ca . gov / 259 / seniorcenter
• 408.782.1284
Morgan Hill Unified School District :
• ( at Live Oak HS ) 1505 E Main , Morgan Hill
• mhusd . org / covid / weekly-lunch-pick-up
• 408.201.6000
Gilroy Unified School District :
• 7810 Arroyo Circle Gilroy
• gilroyunified . org
• 669.205.4000
For more information , visit calfoodbanks . org / hunger / data



Shelter-in-place orders created many hardships , including limited access to nutritious meals . The Y worked closely with local partners and donors to provide an immediate solution , serving 448,693 youth meals and 36,612 senior meals to date .
With in-person school closed , the danger of youth falling behind academically and socially became a serious concern for local families . The Y responded , providing 5,646 youth with support for distance learning , physical activity , and social engagement in YMCA Learning Labs .
We need your donation to keep these programs going strong . Help your community recover from the Covid-19 crisis .

GIVE TO THE Y www . ymcasv . org / give gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine FALL 2021 65