Celebrating local veterans
Patriotism on display this Veteran ' s Day
In November , Gilroyans will be able to combine their love of parades with their patriotism when the South Santa Clara Valley Memorial District and the Gilroy Veterans Hall host the Veterans Day Parade on Nov . 11 at 1 pm .
“ The Gilroy community has always shown strong support for local veterans and we know our residents love parades ,” said Parade Committee member and Army veteran Jesse Sanchez . “ So we hope the Veterans Day Parade will become a new tradition that provides a way for the community to come together and properly honor our local veterans .”
The parade theme is “ Remember Everyone Deployed and All Who Served ” for RED Friday . “ Military families have a tradition of wearing red on Fridays to show support for their military family members ,” said Sanchez . “ Since Veterans Day falls on a Friday this year it seemed like a perfect theme .”
The parade will start at 7th Street and Monterey and travel north to 4th and Monterey . Staging will be in Gourmet Alley . All parade entries must display patriotism with decorations and / or music selection . The entry rules and conditions , as well as the application , is available on the Gilroy Vets Hall website ( GilroyVeteransHall . org under community events / Veterans Day ).
The entry fee is free , thanks to generous donors such as MG Construction & Engineers , Mayor Marie Blankley , Jay Johnson & Associates , LLC , and Plumbing America . But more donations are still needed . Companies and individuals interested in sponsoring the Parade can contact the Parade Committee at 408-842-3838 or visit the Parade web site at :
GilroyVeteransHall . com / VeteransDay2022
There will also be other activities throughout the month to celebrate and honor local veterans including the Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday November 11 at 11:11am at the Gilroy Veterans Hall , hosted by the VFW Post 6309 , a veteran ’ s art exhibit November 4 thru 30 at 6th Street Art Studios , and a special exhibit of local veterans ’ art throughout Downtown Gilroy on the November 18th Third Friday Art Walk , hosted by 6th Street Art Studios and Art Center . More details on each activity are available on the wesite as well .
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