Operation Freedom Paws
Creating a winning team
by Mike Sanchez with Operation Freedom Paws
When a friend of Todd ’ s suggested he call Mary Cortani at
Operation Freedom Paws ( OFP ), he had been suffering from PTSD for over 27 years . His family was also suffering . Todd , a US military veteran , and his wife of 25 years , Michelle , were at the breaking point — their marriage was heading for divorce . His relationship with his 24-year-old daughter was strained . His bouts of depression and anxiety caused him to isolate himself , which led to thoughts of suicide .
“ I felt isolated and alone . I couldn ’ t stand thinking of the possibility of disappointing one more person .” Todd reflected in an article he wrote for OFP . “ The only way to stop it was to stop me .”
For Michelle , the years of Todd ’ s outbursts and harshness with others when things didn ’ t go his way seemed out of character . This wasn ’ t the man she grew up with and married . Attempts to help Todd by addressing his behavior and working through it always ended with “ There ’ s nothing wrong . I ’ m fine .”
Too often , family members blame themselves when their loved ones are suffering . Michelle felt she was hurting Todd . “ I still loved my husband , but I felt I was doing him more harm than good .” She felt the best way to help Todd was to file for divorce .
From the first moment of contact , Michelle felt included and part of the “ team ” in Todd ’ s healing journey . His new service dog , Ivy , gave Todd unconditional love . Upon first meeting him , Ivy ran to him and hugged him in a loving , secure , and supportive way . The two hit it off .
Seeing Todd with Ivy , was “ a beautiful sunset moment .” Michelle shared . She saw a shift in Todd “ It was like the switch had finally flipped .” Todd was gaining confidence . “ He had a sense of purpose and there was joy in his face .”
In the past year , Todd credits Mary and Operation Freedom Paws , and of course , Ivy , with helping him navigate “ speed bumps ” that would normally send him spiraling . Instead of “ going off the road and crashing again .” Todd has benefited from the support to the point of turning his life around . He has been able to share his experiences and feelings with his family , knowing he is safe to be vulnerable and open . He and Michelle are restoring their marriage , and his daughter has her father back . “ Mary and Operation Freedom Paws gave me a second chance at life , in my marriage , and with my daughter . I now cherish every moment ” Todd shared . “ I want to live .”
Michelle considers the help and support from Mary and Operation Freedom Paws as “ Divine intervention .” She credits the program for giving the family hope for the future through “ a service dog named Ivy , and a phenomenal woman who leads and incredible staff in changing lives and healing people .”
Todd and Ivy are finalists in the Purina Dog Chow Visible Impact Award . Please consider casting your vote to support this winning team and Operation Freedom Paws . Voting runs through October 17th , 2022 . To vote , go to : dogchowveterans . com , or scan the QR code in the announcement below .
We wish Todd and Michelle , their daughter and Ivy the very best in health and healing , and a “ beautiful sunset ” future !
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