Quiet Giants :
Susan Valenta , A legacy of leadership
By Madaline Martin
" I was privileged to work with so many individuals ... Anything that was accomplished was as a result of everyone working together ."
For forty six years , Former Gilroy Chamber of Commerce CEO Susan Valenta has made an impact on the Gilroy community much like a skipping stone ; she ’ s made ripples that may seem small at first glance but have a significant reach and effect .
Valenta first moved to Gilroy with her husband Tom and three children in 1976 , where they bought some land and built a home just off Watsonville Road . As Valenta ’ s dad stated at the time , “ Gilroy is the coming place .”
Gilroy had only about 15,000 people when Valenta moved here . She and her husband happily raised their three kids , Jason , Aaron , and Michelle on their two acres , with lots of room to play , raise animals , and participate in 4-H projects . To them , this home and Gilroy were the perfect place to raise a family . Valenta fondly remembers taking her kids downtown over the years to visit local shops and businesses , especially the former location of Leedo Gallery , where they had great displays and special evenings where kids could come in and get signed prints from western artists .
Over the years , Valenta worked at a variety of jobs . She worked in her family ’ s manufacturing business and ran her own small business providing business services , resumes , and professional papers . She also worked for an engineering firm , a bookkeeping firm , and a winery . Valenta feels that all of these roles shaped her in some way . “ I ’ m a firm believer in being a life-long learner , whether it is through continuing education or job skills . It makes for an enriching life .”
One of the roles Valenta is most recognized for is her twenty-five years with the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce , serving five years with the Membership and Program Development , and 20 years as the CEO . She found her time there to be “ the most fulfilling profession ever .”
Over the years , Valenta especially has valued working with others to create community-building programs , such as the Economic Development Corporation , the California Welcome Center , Leadership Gilroy , and the Gilroy Political Action Committee . She also enjoyed being a part of business and education , trade shows , and many networking events . Valenta said those were “ something we all valued because it encouraged involvement and opportunities to be a part of solutions .”
Valenta is proud of what she and her teammates accomplished as a part of these groups . With the Chamber , Valenta and others established the Gilroy Economic Development Corporation , which helped attract and retain businesses , created Gilroy Downtown Street improvement , which developed funding for and made improvements to downtown , and helped establish the Gilroy Political Action Committee , which supported business-friendly candidates for Gilroy . She was a Founding Board Member of Leadership Gilroy , and was a member of its first graduating class .
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