gmhTODAY Fall 2023 | Page 5

- Debbi and Mike
Residents and businesses are now required to compost organic material .
Debbi & Mike Sanchez , Publishers

We don ’ t know about you , but the seasons seem to come a little faster these days ! This time of year , the days are getting shorter . The nights are getting longer — and colder . Even worse , holiday music will soon be playing everywhere .

While the holidays bring joy and great times spent with family and friends , they can also be a time of isolation and loneliness . Life circumstances like food insecurity , lack of safe shelter , and lack of basic resources are all issues many face all year . These issues are extra difficult during the holidays .
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For those doing great on the " outside ," things like stress , lack of sleep , and personal challenges we deal with on the " inside " can make the holidays tough . Add to this that crazy aunt or that inappropriate uncle you have to deal with at family gatherings isn ’ t just the stuff of Hallmark movies — its real life ! And , how about those Hallmark movies ? What a “ joy ," those are — just like holiday songs . Can ’ t we just watch regular movies and listen to normal music ?
Refocusing : we are all two people — the one we share with others , and the one trying to run the machinery from the inside . The one we share is generally a decent person . However , the onevon the inside can get a little wonky at times , and be a nut job at others . Stress , worry , self-doubt , and loneliness tend to chip away at the magnificent beings we are . During the holidays we can sometimes find ourselves in mental and emotional numbness or even darkness . This sounds bleak , but fear not — life provides the perfect antidote .
It is scientifically proven that when we help others our physical , emotional , and mental well-being improves . There it is . That ’ s the remedy . Feeling down ? Volunteer at Saint Joseph ’ s Family Center or Saint Catherine ’ s to feed our neighbors . Considering how hard life is ? Contact the South County Compassion Center to help alleviate the suffering of our homeless neighbors . Stressing out ? Find a local church group or service club like the Gilroy or Morgan Hill Rotary and volunteer to clean or build something . Sign up for the YMCA Mt . Madonna to help support our senior neighbors , our youth , and those who find themselves a little behind . Helping others helps you . It ’ s science !
There are many nonprofit service groups in need of your time , talents , and treasures . ( Yes , money goes a long way ). Our website has a complete list of service groups to contact and get involved . The kindness you share by helping others comes back to you many times over and will positively impact your health and well-being . Want to feel better ? Helping others this holiday season will get you there and save you from the Hallmark channel . Happy holidays . Go make history !
- Debbi and Mike