gmhTODAY Fall 2023 | Page 51

“ When you see somebody who ’ s really been exposed to some of the ugliest things in the world and in humanity , and they still have the capacity to love others , that ’ s so
powerful . Pure resilience .” – Sharan Dhanoa
Fostering Resilience Through Advocacy

Part of our work at Community Solutions is dedicated to supporting survivors and families that experience human trafficking , sexual assault , and intimate partner violence . Today , we ’ re rejoicing over the recent signature of California Senate Bill 376 ( SB 376 ) by Governor Gavin Newsom , co-sponsored by Community Solutions . This groundbreaking legislation ensures victims of human trafficking have an unequivocal right to a confidential human trafficking advocate and a support person of their choosing during critical stages of the criminal justice process . This is crucial to providing support , validation , and safety to survivors and ensuring they receive the resources and advocacy necessary to foster resiliency through an often traumatic process .

News of these groundbreaking efforts brings me to reflect on previous Pathways to Resilience episodes highlighting the antihuman trafficking movement and the education we can all receive on how to create safer , more responsive communities .
Understanding Human Trafficking
I sat down with my colleague Sharan Dhanoa , director at South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking to discuss the realities of human trafficking . I was struck by the intricacies of this topic . What became clear is that there is no single way this problem can present itself . It ’ s not a clear-cut situation with one simple solution and there are many ways that someone can be exploited , including through sexual and labor exploitation .
The intersection of power dynamics , coercion tactics , and other forms of abuse is a complicated one that actively disempowers and isolates victims , leaving them with little to no options for escaping these conditions . On top of this , there are many societal barriers to survivors getting the support and advocacy they need , including ideas about how a victim should behave or respond , i . e . “ Why didn ’ t she just leave ?” “ Why don ’ t you just call the cops ?”
Sharan suggests awareness as a major tool in addressing human trafficking . Getting to know your community members , understanding the real cost of cheap labor and products , and educating yourself on the nuances of trafficking can help us directly combat these practices and advocate for survivors everywhere .
The Capacity to Love from the Kindness of a Stranger

Following my conversation with Sharan , I was introduced to two former Community Solutions clients that are now advocates in anti-human trafficking efforts . Their stories were equally heartbreaking and incredibly inspiring . Enoch and Siberia both came to the United States on the promise that they ’ d have an opportunity to start a new life . Siberia was manipulated by a false employment agency and Enoch by someone he thought to be a friend . They were led to believe these people would connect them to employment opportunities and could be trusted . Once in a new country , everything changed . Their passports and other documents were taken , they were physically locked away , abused , intimidated , and left fearing the repercussions of fleeing . Despite this fear , they decided that staying in their circumstances was worse . They were eventually able to flee . As they shared their stories , we realized they were in the same city , at the same time , escaping these abusive conditions . Truly amazing .

Both attribute their receiving help to the kindness of a stranger . Someone simply stopping to ask “ Are you okay ?” changed their trajectory and reignited their resilience . They were able to get the resources they needed . What I found so inspiring was that despite abuse and manipulation , kindness from strangers gave them hope and strength to not just continue , but to fight for others as well .
Melissa Santos is a Sr . Director at Community Solutions , a behavioral health organization serving Santa Clara County where she leads their CS Learning Training Institute . Her Pathways to Resilience podcast brings learnings and conversations about trauma , wellness , and resilience to the community . Listen in on Apple , Google , and Spotify , and learn more at : www . CommunitySolutions . org
gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... FALL 2023 51