gmhTODAY Fall 2023 | Page 64

Your Dental Health :

Tooth Be Told : Physiology Matters

by Dr . Amy Tran DDS

It ’ s time for a confession . When I first meet someone in a social setting , outside of the dental office , I can ’ t help but look at their teeth . As a practicing dentist for over 11 years now , it ’ s hard to turn that part of my brain off . It ’ s no longer a conscious process , but when I see a smile , my eyes instantly go to chips in enamel , stains , discolored fillings , and dark crown margins .

Beyond those most obvious indicators , I also notice if there are enlarged cheek muscles , crossbites , or a protected smile that may be due to years of self-consciousness . Jaw tightness , stiff shoulders , and headaches can be related to infections , teeth grinding , or clenching habits . What happens in the mouth affects other parts of the body and creates tension in areas that may not seem related .
Physiologic dentistry goes beyond treating teeth individually . Physiology deals with the function of an organism or any of its components . It requires stepping back , assessing the whole picture , and foreseeing , even before we actually start any concrete work , what the consequences of our plan will be to the entire person . There are some interesting tools that dentists use to help determine what your mouth needs :
BioEMG I am a huge fan of the BioEMG machine . With this equipment , we can record the electromyography ( EMG ), or muscle activity , of the “ muscles of mastication ,” the largest muscles involved in the function of the mouth . EMG measures the response of a muscle to a nerve ’ s stimulation . In cases where an important change to how the teeth come together ( the bite ) is planned , these EMG measurements help direct changes with state- -ofthe-art precision .
What we do in the mouth can make incredibly significant changes to the surrounding muscular development and architecture , and as a result , to how “ comfortable ” your jaw may be at rest . ( Continued ...)
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