gmhTODAY Fall 2024 | Page 21

What can we do to provide true support for our veterans ?
with their specific needs . Her nonprofit now works with up to 550 clients and their families , providing therapists at every class , peer group therapy , and connections to VSOs , all free of charge . “ The greatest gift is that they get back out and do things that you and I take for granted . Or at the end of the dog ’ s life , they ’ ve healed and have enough tools in their toolbelt that they don ’ t need another service dog ,” Cortani said .
Image by Operation freedom Paws
Instead of pursuing a “ traditional female ” role like nursing or administrative duties , Cortani chose to be a canine handler and was harassed for it . At one point , a training instructor made her do pushups and told her to lift her right leg and head and howl at the moon like the dog she was . “ There was constant stuff like that . Lousy assignments , harassment all the time , slaps on the ass . And some of that stuff hasn ’ t changed ,” Cortani said . These experiences just made her more determined to excel , but she saw many other women who were broken along the way .
Although McLaughlin also specialized in a nontraditional role , working with firing systems and small arms , she didn ’ t experience the kind of harassment Cortani did . She doesn ’ t think that being a woman automatically guarantees harassment , but she knows these experiences happen and that more needs to be done . Despite legislation passed in 1994 acknowledging women as veterans , McLaughlin has been overlooked at Veterans Day events and called out by people who don ’ t believe she served . These experiences motivated her to become Vice Chair of the Veterans Commission , so that she could represent female voices and advocate for their importance . “ Women veterans are the largest growing population in the military . Every single one volunteered because they believed in this country and freedom being so important ,” she said .
McLaughlin and Cortani have never stopped championing for their fellow veterans . McLaughlin is currently working on putting out posters in places frequented by veterans with the title “ Have You Served ?” and a QR code that connects them to Veteran Service Organizations ( VSOs ), to help them get information and benefits they might need .
Cortani uses her canine training expertise to help veterans and first responders train service dogs that can assist them

What can we do to provide true support for our veterans ?

In addition to advocating for veterans benefits and treating them like normal human beings , Cortani and McLaughlin would like to see more unity . They , and many other veterans , find it disheartening to see so much division and polarization happening in the U . S . Somehow patriotism , the military , and love of country have developed a negative connotation . “ I wish that the more liberal side would also embrace the flag . If everybody is flying the flag and saying this isn ’ t just the hard right ’ s moniker , then that would make me very happy ,” McLaughlin said . Instead of being so entrenched in there being only one right way , Cortani thinks that people need to borrow a page from a soldier ’ s book . “ People came from all walks of life , all around the country , and yet we could get past those differences and come to common ground or agree to disagree on certain things . That ’ s what , in my view , patriotism is all about ,” she said .

So this Veterans Day , in addition to thanking our men and women who have served , it ’ s time we live up to those words by accepting each other and working towards the common goal of uniting the country they sacrificed so much for .
Image by Mellea McLuaghlin
Above : Mellea McLaughlin , Vice Chair of the Santa Clara County Veterans Commission and U . S . Army veteran . Top : Mary Cortani , Founder Operation Freedom Paws and US Army veteran . Main image : Capt . Jesse Sanchez , US Army , Ret ., Edward Sanchez , US Air Force , Ret ., Steve McWilliams , US Army , Ret ., and Wes Piatt , US Air Force , Ret . are just a few of the many veterans and community heroes still making a difference everyday .
gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... FALL 2024 21