gmhTODAY Fall 2024 | Page 24

Healthy Morgan Hill :

Mayor shares vision for a healthy community

by Mark Turner , Morgan Hill Mayor
Mahatma Gandhi once said , “ It is health that is real wealth , not pieces of gold and silver .” Living longer , healthier , and more active lives is the goal of most everyone . It ’ s also the goal of the Healthy Morgan Hill initiative that I introduced at my State of the City address back in March of this year . — Mark Turner , Morgan Hill Mayor

According to their “ State of Chronic Disease in California ” report , the Chronic Care Policy Alliance indicates that nearly 17 % of adults in California report a health status of fair or poor . The leading chronic diseases in California are :

• Hypertension
• Obesity
• Arthritis
• Mental Illness
• Diabetes
• Cardiovascular Disease
The journey toward the Healthy Morgan Hill initiative began shortly after I was elected in 2022 when I met with Nick Gaich , the President / CEO of the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce . Nick introduced me to a program called Blue Zones . After doing some initial research , I believed we could implement a similar strategy in Morgan Hill that would provide a healthier way of life for our residents .
Across the United States , 6 in 10 adults report having one of the chronic diseases I just mentioned . 4 in 10 adults report having two or more .
Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death for men and women in the United States and residents in Santa Clara County are more vulnerable than 35 % of the counties in the U . S . for diabetes . On top of this , the obesity prevalence in the U . S . is at approximately 41 %. Obesity related conditions include :
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Type II Diabetes
• And certain types of cancer
These are among the leading causes of preventable , premature deaths .
Over the last 12-15 months , I ’ ve had the good fortune of working with several additional community members , including Carolyn Wallace , and Dr . Ken Vereshagin , to develop this initiative . Since then , others have joined our team .
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