gmhTODAY Fall 2024 | Page 34

From my kitchen to yours !

Inspired Cooking with Margie Morelos-Galvan

Butternut Squash Bisque & Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls !

Images by Sara Morales and Margie Morelos-Galvan

The leaves are starting to drop and the brisk air feels like tiny kisses of happiness on my face . I know I sound over dramatic , but that ’ s really how fall makes me feel . It is my most favorite , favorite , FAVORITE time of year !!

The only thing better than dragging out my box of oversized sweaters as fall arrives is dragging out that other box containing my Dutch ovens and bakeware ! You know — that sturdy kitchenware , used mostly in the cooler months , that ’ s waiting to be filled with soups , stews and freshly baked breads !

I love the feelings of nostalgia fall brings . My most beautiful fall memories as a young girl include holiday celebrations with my family , and , of course , the best ones of all , when my dad was still with us . Our family gatherings were always incredible , and everyone came to our house . I don ’ t recall ever spending the holidays anywhere else . I think my dad enjoyed our family gatherings more than my mom . In fact , I ’ m sure of it . Funny how I seem to have taken the reins of hosting many of our family gatherings . I now understand and appreciate the simple joy of watching people laughing , enjoying themselves , and eating great food . It really has become one of my greatest joys of life .
I love how fall — and every season — brings us such a variety of delicious new growth . As we transition into fall we are leaving behind so many delicious gems I celebrated in our summer issue , including berries and delightful edible flowers . Now , we are welcoming back so many of our old friends including citrus , apples , artichoke , chard , and the great Cucurbits family ! After all , what ’ s fall without these vining plants !! Yes I ’ m talking about the pumpkin and all its relatives including squash , cucumbers , melons , watermelons and the funky looking gourds ! All these edible plants are actually fruits , though most think “ vegetable ” when we see squash or pumpkin .
Food For Thought One of the more interesting gourds is the loofah gourd , sometimes called climbing okra . This “ fruit ” is edible once it reaches 8 inches . Usually sliced , breaded and fried . It tastes similar to okra , hence the nickname . When these gourds mature they turn brown . The skin can then be removed , leaving you with a tough web of fibers that are commonly used as a cleaning sponge , aka ; the LOOFAH ! Isn ’ t that cool ? The Loofah Gourd is a pretty plant that starts with bright flowers , grows into an edible fruit , and ends with a cleaning tool . Talk about an overachiever !
Side note : Many Loofah sponges sold are made of synthetic materials , if you want the real deal make sure yours is labeled natural !
Before I get in the kitchen for you all I ’ m gonna throw my hair in a messy bun , put on my most comfy sweater along with those trusty yoga pants ( Oh you know the ones !)
I recommend you do the same when making these recipes — it ' s an entire vibe , trust me ! Since I ' ve proven to be overdramatic when it comes to my love for fall , obviously the recipes I ’ ll be sharing will be as well . So grab your favorite apron and let ' s get to it .
34 FALL 2024 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com