At Vision Quest Ranch
400 River Road , Salinas , CA 93908 831-455-1901 / info @ montereyzoo . org www . montereyzoo . org
It ' s hard to know when exactly the word “ zoo ” developed a negative connotation , but Sammut can see why . “ If you go back in history and look at the biggest zoos in the country , historically their facilities were cages ,” he explained , “ But zoos have evolved like everything else in our world . How the animals are kept , what they ’ re housed in , how they ’ re brought into zoos , that ’ s all changed .” He thinks zoos waited too long to evolve , which added to their bad reputation , but he ’ s determined to help repair the term .
As natural habitats continue to be destroyed by deforestation , urbanization , pollution , and poaching , Sammut sees zoos as an insurance policy for endangered species . “ If animals are left to just the wild , as the extremist groups think it should be , we will continue to lose these species ,” he said . Ideally , Sammut would love to see animals return to the wild , but until countries find ways to curb habitat destruction and poaching , he thinks it ’ s irresponsible to leave animals alone to solve a man-made problem . In the meantime , his zoo will continue to take in rescued animals from sanctuaries and give them good homes .
Ultimately , Sammut hopes his zoo will inspire others to love and appreciate animals . He admits that if a place like the Monterey Zoo existed when he was younger he probably wouldn ’ t have gotten so many animals , and he hopes his facility can be a place where people can enjoy animals without needing to own them themselves . Sammut also thinks sharing the animals with the public will boost conservation efforts . “ I don ’ t think you can embrace the species until you ’ ve embraced the individual . That ’ s what we hope to accomplish here ,” he said .
Although Sammut didn ’ t know he ’ d one day build a zoo , he ’ s proud that he has . He has dedicated his life to the animals at the Monterey Zoo and he ’ s certain anyone who visits will see that for themselves .
Home to 100 + exotic animals ranging from spiders to lions , tigers , and bears
PROUDLY accredited by Zoological Association of America .
10 % discount for seniors ( 65 years +), active military , active police and fire personnel or students – all must have valid ID .
Open 10am-3pm Every Day .
( Closed on Easter , Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day )
• $ 35.25 ages 15 and up
• $ 25 ages 2-14
• ( under 2 free : $ 8 stroller fee )
• Enjoy the Zoo year-round !
• Individual & Family Plans available Starting at only $ 110
Opposite top : Josef the lion in his prime . Charlie ' s first lion , best friend , and the lion who changed his life forever . Opposite bottom : A young animal enthusiast high-fives with a Royal White Bengal Tiger . Top : Charlie and Lisa with a Southern White Rhino . Left : Josef basking in the sun in his senior years . The zoo welcomes classrooms and groups .
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