gmhTODAY Spring 2023 | Page 25

G i l r o y E l k s L o d g e o n t h e H i l l Mother ' s Day Charity Champagne Breakfast

Born in San Jose , as a member of the

Susanville tribe of Native Americans , the Maidu , Napoli claims deep roots to the area , and feels that the stories of Native Santa Clara County and Morgan Hillians often go untold . As a board member for the Morgan Hill Historical Society , Napoli said , “ My motivation is always – this is my history , and I think I should tell it . Being able to tell about a Native American born and raised in San Jose , working in Morgan Hill and San Martin just makes sense . We should be able to tell our stories .”
Napoli does her best to reverse , as much as possible , the “ erasing of language , culture , and people ” through all her educational strategies .
She added , “ It ’ s important to tell the true history . It ’ s important to see a person of color coming into the classroom and saying to the kids ‘ you should be proud of your culture and your language .’”
G i l r o y E l k s L o d g e o n t h e H i l l Mother ' s Day Charity Champagne Breakfast
SUNDAY MAY 14 , 2023 8 AM - 12:30 PM

Mother ' s


ADULTS : $ 25
CHILDREN : $ 11 ( 3 - 12 Years ) under 3 free
Open to Elks Members , their guests , and the general public
Opposite Top : The South Valley Fleurs Garden Club presents the Morgan Hill Historical Society with an Edu Grow Grant for $ 1,000 to support the expansion of the Native Garden at Villa Mira Monte .
Top Left : Kathy Chavez Napoli .
Left and Above : The garden showcases plants native to our area and describes how the Amah Mutsun used the plants for food , baskets , tools , dyes , soap , and medicines .
Serving cook-to-order omelets , scrambled eggs , hash browns , pancakes , sausage , bacon , fresh fruit , juice , milk , coffee , Champagne & Martinelli Sparkling Cider
Don ' t forget about our full bar with speciality Bloody Marys and Mimosas !
Gilroy Elks Lodge on the Hill • 2765 Hecker Pass Hwy For more information : 408.842.9397 Reservations are required for eight or more .
Proceeds go to support Elks National Foundation
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