On the journey to tapping into our resilience , many of us first have to acknowledge and hold space for the stress and trauma that has impacted us . Trauma is defined as any event that leaves us feeling like our physical and / or psychological safety is threatened . There is a spectrum of reactions to events and circumstances that can range from tolerable stress , like having a flat tire , to toxic stress , which can be prolonged , such as living in a home where there is violence . The interesting thing about our brains is that they respond to these circumstances in similar ways . In fact , they react whether the circumstance is happening directly to us or we are witnessing it ( think of those teary eyes during a movie ). When our brains detect threats they tell our body to release stress hormones that flip the switch , turning on our fight , flight , or freeze responses . So what makes the difference between trauma having long-term negative impacts on our physical and mental health and our ability to have the resilience to avoid these negative outcomes ? It comes down to the access we have to internal and external resources that promote a sense of safety , stability , and connection . How do we build up these resources ? Let ' s start with some that have proven to help our brains shift out of a traumatized or stressed state .. They include staying hydrated , a nutrientrich diet , sleep , connection to others , and mindfulness . These can be our superpowers .
Finding Your Mindfulness Super Power
Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one ' s awareness on the present moment , while calmly acknowledging and accepting one ' s feelings , thoughts , and bodily sensations . Professor and trauma researcher , Dr . Lynn Waelde of Palo Alto University , says that mindfulness is a birthright that we often get disconnected from due to stress , trauma , and messages from our families and / or society that shift us away from being present and self-acceptance . Infants have adapted to block out sounds in the environment to ensure that they get enough , they cry when they need to be fed , and fuss or disengage when they are overwhelmed . These natural skills help babies to stay present and regulated . In many societies , as we grow up , the structures within which we live tend to set us up to keep up with a constant grind , become easily distracted by all of the pings and alerts from our devices , and look outside
“ I learned I needed to slow down and ground myself rather than rush to meet deadlines and expectations .”
of ourselves for acceptance and approval . Thinking of mindfulness as a birthright means that we all have the natural , internal capacity to reconnect to and develop our ability to be present and regulated - our mindfulness skills .
So how do you start ? Take a deep breath . Try that again a little slower . Are your hands feeling warm or cold right now ? Are your shoulders relaxed ? Just notice . Take another breath . There you go . You just had a moment of mindfulness . A moment to intentionally fill your mind with what is in the present moment and release it from thoughts about the past or future that pull us out of " right now ."
There are many ways to practice mindfulness . Meditation , movement such as yoga or dancing , music or sound healing , or even just stopping and counting the number of windows or trees we see at any moment . Trying different ways to be mindful , and noting which ones feel most natural to you , is a great way to begin . It is worth it ! Mindfulness is a resiliency builder and you don ' t need any resource other than yourself to access it . I know that it has made a tremendous difference in my well-being and my productivity . I learned I needed to slow down and ground myself rather than rush to meet deadlines and expectations . Prioritizing meditation , spontaneous freeze dance parties , a daily gratitude list , and staying hydrated have proven to be superpowers for me . Make a commitment to yourself to go find yours .
Melissa Santos is a Sr . Director at Community Solutions , a behavioral health organization serving Santa Clara County . Her Pathways to Resilience podcast institute bringing learnings and conversations about trauma , wellness and resilience to the community . Listen in on Apple , Google , and Spotify , and learn more on our website : www . CommunitySolutions . org
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