gmhTODAY Spring 2024 | Page 20

Potholes , heroic driving skills , and our tax dollars at work !

by Mike Sanchez

I want to give a special thanks to all the potholes that have spread like teenage acne across our fair south county and state in recent years . If not for the hundreds of holes in our streets collecting rainfall , our storm drainage infrastructure would have an even harder time keeping up with the rainfall . The crumbling street asphalt and concrete also help to provide extra traction for our cars on rainy days . That ’ s planning at a whole ‘ nother level .

Of course , I ’ m sure the folks in charge are on top of our road repairs , drainage problems , and infrastructure in general . Good to know our very best and brightest are running things . Take for instance the new roundabout on Hwy 25 at Hwy 156 heading into Hollister . The brilliant decision not to build a simple overpass in favor of a cutting edge , perpetual auto-go-round had to result in someone getting promoted . I wonder if it ’ s the same brainiac who designed the onramp to Hwy152 WB at HWY 156 W . awhile back . We ’ ve traveled that road since it was “ improved ” years ago . Is it just me , or is there a hairpin built into that onramp radius ? If you ’ ve ever caught yourself banking a hard right in the middle of that curve for seemingly no reason , or if you ’ ve ever mistakenly thought you must have taken your eye off the road and had to make a slight but sudden correction , you know the spot . It ’ s not you , it ’ s not me , it ’ s them ! The change is ever-so-slight , but if you don ’ t adjust you will scrape the wall . I suspect about four years prior to that onramp getting redesigned they must have changed the curriculum at the State Highway School of Engineering . That ’ s when they went from “ strive for perfection ” and “ safety first ” to “ close enough ” and “ who cares anyway .”
Does anyone on the roads and highways team really care about the damage to our vehicles ? Our quality of life ? Our pursuit of happiness ?
20 SPRING 2024 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com